Jun 12, 2012 | ISBN 9780375859335 | Young Adult
May 10, 2011 | ISBN 9780375896439 | Young Adult
You Have Seven Messages
Where I Want to Be
The Pack
Last Dance on Holladay Street
Thief of Happy Endings
Welcome to Hard Times
All the Earth, Thrown to the Sky
My Almost Epic Summer
Starred Review, Kirkus Reviews, April 15, 2011:
“Griffin interweaves subtle commentary about social class, drug abuse and mental illness into this marvelous homage while winding the suspense knob all the way to 11…A contemporary reboot that does the original proud.”
Publishers Weekly, March 21, 2011:
“Sure to please fans of gothic romance, Griffin’s tale adds new psychological dimensions to James’s classic novella [The Turn of the Screw]…Eerily intriguing from first page to last.”
The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books, May 2011:
“[Will] gratify those seeking a full-on contemporary gothic (or a dynamite curricular pairing with The Turn of the Screw, to which the title may possibly be a reference), and the rest will simply enjoy a summer of adventure, gentle romance, and near-lethal disturbance.”
School Library Journal, June 2011:
“Full of mystery, spectral encounters, and disorienting lapses in time, this is a ghost story that melds seamlessly with one of a mental breakdown…An engaging thriller with wide appeal.”
A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy (SLJ.com blog), June 21, 2011:
“Because Tighter spooked me. Because the twists and turns kept me guessing — and surprised me even when I guessed them. Because the ending made me see the book in an entirely different light, making me reread it immediately. This is one of my Favorite Books Read in 2011.”
Small Review, January 28, 2011:
“Adele is a National Book Award finalist and it is easy to see why. Tightly plotted, well paced, and beautifully written, Tighter pulled me in from the very beginning and, days after having finished, it still hasn’t let me go…I highly recommend it to readers looking for a good ghost story, a contemporary read, a classic retelling, or a creepy Gothic tale. This is the first book I have read by Adele Griffin, but it won’t be the last.”
Kirkus Reviews Best Teen Book WINNER 2011
Bank Street Child Study Children’s Book Award SUBMITTED
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