The Christ Letters
By Ellias Lonsdale and Theanna Lonsdale
By Ellias Lonsdale and Theanna Lonsdale
By Ellias Lonsdale and Theanna Lonsdale
By Ellias Lonsdale and Theanna Lonsdale
Category: Philosophy
Category: Philosophy
Dec 11, 2012 | ISBN 9781583944981
Dec 11, 2012 | ISBN 9781583945230
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“I cannot say that The Christ Letters are actual communiqués from the entity who manifested on Earth as Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Bethlehem, and Galilee. I cannot say either that Ellias Lonsdale receives real transmissions from inner planes or that Theanna Lonsdale (who lived in this world as his partner Sara) is the source of those transmissions. Yet if you proceed on the basis that these are authentic transmissions of the Presence of the Being Spark of Christ via the Being Spark of Theanna to the Being Spark of Ellias, you will come as much into the intimacy of Christ energy and the current Christ message to Earth as if they were—and in our mortal state, that’s just as good.”
–Richard Grossinger, author of 2013: Raising the Earth to the Next Vibration and Dark Pool of Light: Reality and Consciousness
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