Aug 01, 2005 | ISBN 9781101077764
The Hours Count
Salvation City
Lady in Waiting
Chasing Cezanne
Thief of Glory
On Swift Horses
A Touch of Stardust
History of a Pleasure Seeker
“An important book…Pipher shines high-beam headlights on the world of teenage girls.”
—Los Angeles Times
“A must-read for all of us who care about young women in our lives…Reviving Ophelia arms us with information we can use in helping our daughters grow to adulthood with their strength intact.”
—Lincoln Star Journal
“Pipher is an eloquent advocate…[she] offers concrete suggestions for ways by which girls can build and maintain a strong sense of self.”
—Publishers Weekly
“Serious and thoughtful material presented with the fluidity of good fiction.”
—Kirkus Reviews
Table Of Contents
Preface ….. 11Chapter 1: Saplings in the Storm ….. 17Chapter 2: Theoretical Issues – For Your Own Good ….. 29Chapter 3: Developmental Issues – “I’m Not Waving, I’m Drowning” ….. 45Chapter 4: Families – The Root Systems ….. 74Chapter 5: Mothers ….. 101Chapter 6: Fathers ….. 115Chapter 7: Divorce ….. 131Chapter 8: Within the Hurricane – Depression ….. 146Chapter 9: Worshiping the Gods of Thinness ….. 166Chapter 10: Drugs and Alcohol – If Ophelia Were Alive Today ….. 186Chapter 11: Sex and Violence ….. 203Chapter 12: Then and Now ….. 232Chapter 13: What I’ve Learned from Listening ….. 248Chapter 14: Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom ….. 260Chapter 15: A Fence at the Top of the Hill ….. 282Recommended Reading ….. 295Index ….. 297
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