Oct 16, 2014 | ISBN 9780698186224
Water Wars
The Mercy of the Sky
What’s the Worst That Could Happen?
Gold Rush in the Jungle
The Other Side of Everest
Imagining India
Tying Down the Wind
Birdmen, Batmen, and Skyflyers
Man vs. Weather
Praise for Superstorm
“Superstorm reads like the script of a blockbuster movie, transforming that Halloween storm into a nightmarish monster come to life. She provides horrifying vignettes of the storm’s many personal tragedies.” – Washington Post
“Wise and harrowing.” – Associated Press
“Fascinating…Meticulous…Heartbreaking…Miles’s account–this year’s Five Days at Memorial–is an important record for future planners and a gripping read.” – Library Journal (starred review)
“Deeply reported and richly detailed narrative…A masterful job of telling the human tale of the storm.” – Miami Herald
“Explains how a storm so strong it filled the windows of the International Space Station managed to catch the nation flat-footed.” – New York Post
“[A] wide-angle, ticktock account of the massive Atlantic storm system that slammed the Eastern Seaboard on Oct. 29, 2012.” - Newsday
“Thrilling…Even for those of us who have heard countless hurricane stories, Superstorm, is a valuable addition. It goes beyond the scary radar screens and harrowing photos of the aftermath to the ongoing, massive problems of predicting and surviving such storms.” - Tampa Bay Times
“Deftly describes the intricacies of meteorology, government bureaucracy and maritime travel while weaving together several narrative strands into a compelling tapestry.” – The Roanoke Times
“A great story…Miles got the essence of the event right, in a way that few books about hurricanes do. Most often the wind and the water, the damage, and the heartbreak are the story. and this book has plenty of that, but there’s another layer here. The fabric of this story is the myriad of critical, heart-pounding, and life-altering decisions that people made — in and out of government — with less-than-perfect tools or information.”
— Bryan Norcross, Senior Hurricane Specialist, The Weather Channel
“Every great storm deserves its books, but only a storm as enormous and foreboding as Sandy deserves Kate Miles. From feckless mayors to anguished weathermen, from the desks of dedicated scientists to the captains of doomed sailing vessels, from unheard warnings to the emotion of shocked victims, from the Caribbean to New York Harbor, and finally to a looming preparedness disaster, Kate Miles creates the most harrowing and complete portrait of a weather event you” ever read. A thinking person’s thriller, a weather buff’s dream, a warning we ignore at our peril, SUPERSTORM delivers on all fronts.” – Bill Roorbach, author of Life Among Giants and The Remedy for Love
“Superstorm exhumes a recent epic disaster from our denial-shortened memories and slams it back where it belongs, in all its amazing fury: a screaming alert, dead ahead, to brace for what may be next if we keep messing with nature. This is first-rate, exhaustive reporting, and a ripping read.” — Alan Weisman, NYT bestselling author of The World Without Us
“Riveting. Miles follows Sandy as it grows from a benign tropical wave over the Sahara into the largest Atlantic hurricane on record. Reading like a cross between A Perfect Storm and Into Thin Air, Superstorm is a wild story masterfully told.” –Murray Carpenter, author of Caffeinated
“The Big One is coming. This book will sweep into town, pick you up, and carry you away. Like a great and gripping novel, Superstorm takes us moment-by-moment through the days building up to and climaxing in the largest storm the world has ever seen, while making us care deeply for those in the storm’s path. It’s a thrilling book. Pick it up, read it, and be transported.” –David Gessner, author of The Tarball Chronicles and Return of the Osprey
“A splendid account.” – Simon Winchester, author of Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded
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