Spiritual Genius
By Winifred Gallagher
By Winifred Gallagher
By Winifred Gallagher
By Winifred Gallagher
Category: Religion | Biography & Memoir
Category: Religion | Biography & Memoir
Dec 24, 2002 | ISBN 9780812967180
Jan 08, 2002 | ISBN 9781588361578
And Then They Stopped Talking to Me
In the Beginning
The Narcissist Next Door
Giving Away Simone
A Slender Thread
The Blind Man’s Garden
The Frackers
Praise for Winifred Gallagher’s Working on God
"Working on God is one of the greatest spiritual works this decade, as delightful as it is wise."
-Anne Lamott
"A fascinating mosaic of contemporary religious thought . . . A rich and beautifully written harvest for the reader."
–The New York Times Book Review
"Rich and intelligent . . . An outstanding piece of writing that shows the strength and beauty of America’s beating religious heart."
–The Boston Globe
Praise for Winifred Gallagher’s Just the Way You Are:How Heredity and Experience Create the Individual
"Gallagher has taken a difficult, contentious and often poorly reported body of research material and rendered it intriguing and understandable. After reading it, the next genetic headline will make a lot more sense."
–The Washington Post Book World
"In introducing us to the groundbreaking research on why we are the way we are, as well as its personal, moral, political and social implications, Ms. Gallagher’s fascinating book has broadened our capacity to wonder."
–The New York Times Book Review
"Authoritative and immensely readable."
-John Berendt, author of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Praise for Winifred Gallagher’s The Power of Place: How Our Surroundings Shape Our Thoughts, Emotions, and Actions
"Bold and fascinatin."
–Los Angeles Times Book Review
"First-rate and alarmingly fresh . . . A brand-new vision of how we are affected by how and where we live. A wonderful book."
-Jim Harrison, author of The Road Home
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