By Barry Lopez
By Barry Lopez
By Barry Lopez
By Barry Lopez
By Barry Lopez
Read by James Naughton
By Barry Lopez
Read by James Naughton
Category: Travel Writing | Science & Technology | Biography & Memoir
Category: Travel Writing | Science & Technology | Biography & Memoir
Category: Travel Writing | Science & Technology | Biography & Memoir | Audiobooks
Jan 07, 2020 | ISBN 9780375708473
Mar 19, 2019 | ISBN 9780525656210
Mar 19, 2019 | ISBN 9781984889034
1374 Minutes
Buy the Audiobook Download:
A Case for the American People
The Story of the Human Body
A Pilgrimage to Eternity
Poseidon’s Steed
The Personality Brokers
My Reading Life
The Cockroach
“At once reverie and urgent appeal, Horizon is beautiful and brutal—a story of the universal human condition, set in some of the most distinctive places on earth.”
—The New York Times Book Review
“Epic. . . . The crowning achievement of a legendary scribe.”
—Outside Magazine
“Sublime, dreamlike. . . . Lopez is a welcoming host as he brings you across the world.”
“Literary journalism, memoir and travelogue: so compelling it deserves its own genre.”
—The Washington Post
“Extraordinary. . . . A capacious blend of popular science, travel writing and autobiography.”
—The Wall Street Journal
“A contemporary epic. . . . Superb . . . challenging and symphonic; a beautiful book, 35 years in the writing, but still speaking to the present moment.”
—The Guardian
“An interrogative autobiography. . . . In Horizon, Lopez is remapping the world, revisiting places of surprising starkness and beauty, bring[ing] enormous questions down to earth by rooting them in a series of landscapes.”
—Verlyn Klinkenborg, The New York Review of Books
“Part autobiography, part cri de coeur . . . Lopez writes with fervid wonder and fascination about all he’s seen and experienced.”
—The Atlantic
“A touchstone author whose nonfiction and fiction alike have inspired artists in multiple disciplines. . . . Lopez’s visionary descriptions of landscapes are startling in their immediacy.”
—The Seattle Times
“Subtle, monumental, rich, spare: this opus by acclaimed writer Lopez contains and transcends contradictions.”
“Lopez is a master of the big question. . . . He writes with transporting precision.”
—Christian Science Monitor
“Epic. . . . Lopez is a thoughtful and careful curator, sweeping the planet to understand not only its topography but also the cultural geography of humans and the relationship between the two.
—Minneapolis Star Tribune
“An essential voice in American writing. Barry Lopez’s stories of inquiry and discovery are gloriously riveting, bringing the reader into a research boat, an archaeological site, a night-tent conversation, water forty feet under the edge of an ice shelf. At each place where he turns his eye and mind, something is learned of existence’s richness and meaning. A master work. This book is a map to treasures everywhere buried.”
—Jane Hirshfield
“I am astonished by this book, and delighted by its deep musicality. The scope and depth of Horizon are staggering—it is symphonic in scale and tone, and as contrapuntal as a Bach fugue.
—John Luther Adams, Pulitzer-Prize winning composer
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