Hearts of the City
By Herbert Muschamp
Introduction by Nicolai Ouroussoff
By Herbert Muschamp
Introduction by Nicolai Ouroussoff
By Herbert Muschamp
Introduction by Nicolai Ouroussoff
By Herbert Muschamp
Introduction by Nicolai Ouroussoff
Nov 17, 2009 | ISBN 9780375404061
Dec 11, 2013 | ISBN 9780307273246
Hotel Babylon
Awkwafina’s NYC
Painting Below Zero
Relocating to New York City and Surrounding Areas
Yearning for the Land
I Never Knew That About New York
Feet on the Street
Table Of Contents
Introduction by Nicolai Ouroussoff
The Temple of Marketing
Corbu Saved from Drowning
The Breached Wall
The Perils of Public Art
The Leaning Tower of Theory
The Lie of the Land
How Buildings Remember
The Winds of Windsorism
When the Cathedral Turned Black
American Gothic
The Wrong Prescription
East/West Side Story
Crowds and Power
ARTFORUM, 1995, 1999
Critical Reflections
Moral of the Stories
One Building That Knows What It’s About
For All the Star Power, a Mixed Performance
Steel and Backbone in Hard Times
Barcelona Breaks the Record for Inspired Urbanism
For Times Square, a Reprieve and Hope of a Livelier Day
The Thrill of Outer Space for Earthbound Lives
In Philadelphia, a Showcase of Abandoned Hopes
Reduced to Luxury
The Niña, the Pinta, and the Fate of the “White City”
Art and Science Politely Disagree on an Architectural Jewel’s Fate
For Staten Island, A Ferry Terminal Rooted in the Past
Gehry’s Disney Hall: A Matterhorn for Music
St. John the Divine: It Can’t Go On. It Goes On.
Thinking About Tomorrow, and How to Build It
The Tale of a Chimney That Turned into an Oasis
Some Unfinished Business on St.-Germain
Roadside Attractions to Reckon With
Modernism and Morality in the South Bronx
New Public Housing, French Vintage 1922
Shaping a Monument to Memory
This Time, Eisenman Goes Conventional
To the Beach: A Baedeker for Baskers; Long Beach Island
The Unconventional as a Convention
“Things Generally Wrong in the Universe”
In This Dream Station Future and Past Collide
Miami Virtue: Arquitectonica’s Low-Rent Housing
Viñoly’s Vision for Tokyo, and for the Identity of Japan
More Is Less at a Free-Form Jamboree in Chicago
A Nervous Prism of a Building for Manhattan
What Makes a Building Shrivel Up and Die?
The Gehry House: A Brash Landmark Grows Up
A Man Who Lives in Two Glass Houses
Fear, Hope, and the Changing of the Guard
Frank Gehry Lifts Creativity Out of the Box
The Homeless and the New Cold War
Rude Awakening; Quake Jars Assumptions: A Critic’s View
Architecture as Social Action, and Vice Versa
An Appraisal; Columbus Circle’s Changing Face: More than Geometry
Back to the Future
Queens West: Why Not Something Great?
In Paris, a Building That Melts Away Like Ice
Frank Gehry’s American (Center) in Paris
“Boss” Design: A Los Angeles Sketchbook
Radical Moderation, Right Out of the ’60s
If You Squint, This Is Not a Faulty Tower
In California, an Art Center Grown from Fragments
Visions of Community with Roots in the ’60s
A Show Brings on a Severe Case of Period Envy
Rem Koolhaas’s New York State of Mind
Stay of Execution for a Dazzling Airline Terminal
Sighting Beauty on the Far Side of Fear
The Moment When the World Seemed New
An Architect with a Knack for Synthesis
An Emporium for Art Rises in the West
Playful, Even Goofy, but What Else? It’s Disney
What of Cities If the Blueprint Is Republican?
Art, Setting, and the Architecture of the Heart
A Declaration of the ’60s, Before the Doubts
Preserving the Shrines of an Age, Not the Spirit
A Flare for Fantasy: Miami Vice Meets Forty-second Street
Where the Readers Are Inside the Books
Broadway’s Real Hits Are Its Antique Theaters
A “Monster” of a Masterpiece in Connecticut
Among the Fountains with Tadao Ando: Concrete Dreams in the Sun
King’s Court
Remodeling New York for the Bourgeoisie
In a Bygone Day, This Was the Look of the Future
Getting Goofy on the Santa Ana Freeway
Chelsea Dawning: Reawakened and Resplendent
Buildings Born of Dreams and Demons
The Prisoner of Beauty
A City Poised on Glitter and Ashes
In the Public Interest
The Short, Scorned Life of an Aesthetic Heresy: Designed in Defiance of
Modernist Tenets, 2 Columbus Circle Awaits Its Fate
Nostalgia Tripping in Times Square
In Japan, Art and a Museum Breathe as One
A Primal Phantasmagoria Not Just for Gamblers
Where a Room Is a Calling Card
Architecture of Light and Remembrance
Darling: Having a Surreal Time. Are You Here, Too?
A Crystal Palace of Culture and Commerce
Worthy of a World Capital
Rethinking the Meaning of the Modern
Form Follows Function into Ideal Circles
Making a Rush-Hour Battleground High Art
A Chance for an Architect to Let His Imagination Run Free
A Flower Reopens in the Bronx
Architects’ Visions of How the Modern May One Day Appear
A Palace for a New Magic Kingdom, Forty-second Street
Make the Modern Modern? How Very Rash!
The Designs of a Genius Redesigning Himself
For the Body, a Curvy Home That Calls to the Soul
Searching for Yourself in Versace’s Mirror
In Form and Function, It’s a Tale of Two Terminals
The Miracle in Bilbao
It’s Dark. It’s Scary. It’s Your Garage.
A Midas of the Gold (Yes, I Do Mean Gold) Cudgel
A Mountaintop Temple Where Art’s Future Worships Its Past
Leading Lights, Whose Destiny Was to Be Dimmed
Aalto, a Modernist Ahead of His Time
A Return to the Glamour of Flying: Kennedy’s New Terminal Offers Style
and Comfort for Jaded Travelers
Of Sculpture and the Past Revivified
Looking at the Lawn, and Below the Surface
Choosing Prose over Poetry to Span a Bay
Restoration Liberates Grand Vistas, and Ideas
An Islamic Reminder of the Sacred in Design
Living Boldly on the Event Horizon
The Village as a Satirist’s Milieu and Muse
Blueprint: The Shock of the Familiar
A Twelve-Block Glimmer of Hope for New York
The Premiere of a Koolhaas Fantasy
The New Berlin—Building on the Rubble of History: Once Again, a City
Rewards the Walker
Culture’s Power Houses: The Museum Becomes an Engine of Urban
New Zoning Leaves Room for Skyline of the Future
If the Cityscape Is Only a Dream
An Appreciation: Style and Symbolism Meet in Design for Penn Station
A Stunning Pier Hotel Design Stands Out Amid a Flawed Plan
A Humble Manhole Cover Conveys the Global Grid
A Tower That Flaunts Its Contradictions
Art Deco Authenticity
Trump, His Gilded Taste, and Me
Crystal Corridor in the City of Glass
The Passages of Paris and of Benjamin’s Mind
Exploring Space and Time, Here and Now
It’s Something New Under the Stars (and Looking Up)
Tray Chic
Our Anxieties to the Lions
Reaching for Power over Streets and Sky
Fusing Beauty and Terror, Reverence and Desecration
How Modern Design Remains Faithful to Its Context
Tibor Kalman: Seeing, Disbelieving
Public Space or Private, a Compulsion to Fill It
The Air-conditioned Reverie of a Fundamentalist
Interior City: Hotel as the New Cosmopolis
Where Ego Sashays in Style
A Rare Opportunity for Real Architecture Where It’s Needed
A Rational Vision That Lets You Know Who’s Boss
Lincoln Center’s Next Big Production: Itself
Defining Beauty in Swanky American Terms
Imaginative Leaps into the Real World
A Message from a Poet of Public and Private Memory
Camelot’s Once and Future Glamour
Postcards from the Old World Gone Global
Austro Turf
Forget the Shoes, Prada’s New Store Stocks Ideas
With Viewing Platforms, a Dignified Approach to Ground Zero
Leaping from One Void into Others
The Deadly Importance of Making Distinctions
A Courtyard at the Heart of the Story
A Lesson Abroad: Get Comfortable with Continuity
When Art Puts Down a Bet in a House of Games
A Gift of Vienna That Skips the Schlag
A Handsome Hunk of a Glass Tower
Lessons of a Humanist Who Can Disturb the Peace
Peace Lobby
A Latin Jolt to the Skyline
Castles in the Air Adorn Cities on Paper
Fashion’s High Priestess of Gnosticism
The Memorial Would Live in the Architecture
A Heritage Rediscovered, Then Remade
From Olympus, Divine Dresses
The Way We Live Now: 5-18-03; Who Gets It ?
Zaha Hadid’s Urban Mothership
Blond Ambition on Red Brick
A Building with a Song in Its Heart
A Moon Palace for the Hollywood Dream
Design Guidelines for Ground Zero Point More to Space City, U.S.A.
Lunch Box for Art: A New Museum
A Building’s Bold Spirit, Clad in Marble and Controversy
Uncertain Future for the Past’s Treasures
PATH Station Becomes a Procession of Flight
Glamorous Glass Gives 10 Columbus Circle a Look of Crystallized Noir
For Lower Manhattan, Tower Offers a Residential Stairway to the Sky
Planet Prada
The Library That Puts on Fishnets and Hits the Disco
For the Classy and the Climbers, the High Priest of Art Deco
Peep Show
Eden Rocks
The Secret History of 2 Columbus Circle
The Grassi Is Greener
Freudian Slipcovers
The Heir Bag
Fragments from HEARTS OF THE CITY, 2006
A Dozen Years
Atomic Secrets
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