Sep 13, 2005 | ISBN 9780771067969
Oct 12, 2011 | ISBN 9781551994505
The Inherited Mind
What in Me Is Dark
Giant Love
Two-Headed Doctor
Never Give Up
Carl Perkins
Joan Didion: Memoirs & Later Writings (LOA #386)
Over to You
“Occasionally a book comes along that expands the human story to include history, political analysis, anecdote, gossip, self-critical autobiography and, most importantly, humour. Rarely is such a book written in an elegant style. Peter C. Newman’s Here Be Dragons: Telling Tales of People, Passion and Power manages to showcase the last fifty years of Canadian political theatre, and Newman himself as a commentator on that theatre, both humorously and elegantly. Dragons is a big, ambitious book — arguably the best of the many that Newman has written.”
—2004 Drainie-Taylor Biography Prize Jury
“We owe Peter C. Newman a large debt of gratitude for his riveting new memoir.”
—Roy MacGregor in the Globe and Mail
“Far from being dry or dull, Here Be Dragons is scintillating, the sort of book one wants to read in a single sitting. … It ends all too soon.”
—Quill & Quire
“Brisk, humorous, astute, and brimming with interest. . . . A must-read.”\
—London Free Press
“Racy, readable . . . a sensational smorgasbord of stories.”
—Halifax Daily News
“A disarming and reflective autobiography, candid and revealing to the point of self-laceration.”
—Toronto Star
“A work of genuine wit and insight.”
—Rex Murphy
“His pointed, deeply affecting memoir deserves the applause of a grateful nation.”
—Ottawa Citizen
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