Jun 15, 2010 | ISBN 9780385533201
The Red Squad
All I Could Get
Let ’em Eat Cake
a movie…and a book
Going East
Miss Me When I’m Gone
New York Graphic
“Manages to be at the same time cynical and soul-searching…rewarding….walks a perfect line between satire and compassion….[a] brilliant, always caustic corporate satire….smart, elegant, witty”–The Washington Post
” ‘Nothing in the corporate world should shock anyone anymore. Whatever you think will happen won’t, and whatever you think doesn’t have a chance will sneak up and kick you in the ass.’ That’s Henry Tuhoe’s philosophy, and he’s our knowing protagonist through this dark screwball business comedy by James P. Othmer. The action starts when a conglomerate transfers Tuhoe from marketing deodorant to setting up a call center for a bottled-water brand in a Himalayan country that has little potable H2O. As Tuhoe evolves from goofball to grown-up, Othmer, a former ad creative, keeps the action humming with satirical riffs on corporate trainers, figurehead founders, and how business really gets done in a developing nation. The book’s gooey center inside its hard-candy shell is about finding meaning in work and life, and after all the high jinks in this beach read for BlackBerry addicts, Othmer has earned it.”–Fast Company
“A funny, thoughtful satire of corporate life.” —Washington Post
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