Apr 20, 2010 | ISBN 9780891418764
Dec 18, 2007 | ISBN 9780307414458
Masters of the Art
Diary of an Airborne Ranger
August 1944: The Campaign for France
Into the Crucible
Common Sense Training
Death in the Delta
From Classrooms to Claymores
Master Chief
Why a Soldier?
"Quang X. Pham’s memoir on parallel tracks-his life, and his family’s, in Vietnam and then America-is a story of hardship, separation, and loss, but ultimately also of courage, loyalty, patriotism and achievement, an inspiring human story movingly told."
–Lewis Sorley, Author of "A Better War: The Unexamined Victories and Final Tragedy of America’s Last Years in Vietnam"
"A Sense of Duty is a poignant story of two distant wars, service by father to South Vietnam and Marine son to the United States in the Persian Gulf, but ultimately it is a son’s tribute to his father and a way of saying "thank you" to all in his father’s generation who served honorably to defend freedom and whose story has yet to be told."
–Larry Berman, author of No Peace, No Honor: Nixon, Kissinger and Betrayal in Vietnam
In his singular memoir, Quang X. Pham examines a forgotten, unexplored tract of that purgatory of the American Dream known as Vietnam. His surprising account of family and war, sacrifice and redemption is essential for anyone who would seek to understand the legacy of that lost conflict and the generation-spanning turmoil to come in Iraq.
Congratulations on a fine book.
–David J. Morris, author of Storm on the Horizon:Khafji-The Battle that Changed the Course of the Gulf War
Quang Pham’s journey from refugee to Marine Corps Combat Aviator spanned two countries and two wars in search of honor and triumph. With A SENSE OF DUTY, Pham has achieved both: this tale of his and his father’s wars is a testament to the heart, told with an aviator’s stiff courage and clear vision. Insistently aware that war’s passions extend their energies through generations–preserving the twisted genetic strands of both redemption and tragedy–this book marks the anniversary of our decade-spanning war in Vietnam while framing important questions about our second such war in Iraq.
–Joel Turnipseed, Author of BAGHDAD EXPRESS
"Quang Pham has written a superb account of the remarkable journey he and his family experienced. As someone who lived and fought with the South Vietnamese forces and witnessed Quang’s outstanding service in the US Marine Corps, it was an exceptionally moving read. Everyone American should read this wonderful story to better appreciate the freedoms we enjoy."
–General Anthony C. Zinni USMC (Retired)
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