By David Remnick
By David Remnick
By David Remnick
By David Remnick
Category: Reference | Essays & Literary Collections | Politics
Category: Reference | Essays & Literary Collections | Politics
May 08, 2007 | ISBN 9780307275752
May 08, 2007 | ISBN 9780307386557
Peep Show
My Time Will Come
The Atlantic Sound
Heart and Blood
Coral Road
An Atheist in the FOXhole
The Geographical History of America
“This collection of articles by David Remnick can stand as literature. . . . He treats the reader as an informed, intelligent equal.”—The New York Times Book Review“Each piece is worth reading. From the first word of the preface to the last word of the final feature story, Reporting is captivating.”—The Dallas-Ft. Worth Star Telegram“A pleasure to read. The [essays] are intelligent and serious, but they’re also perceptive and funny. Remnick mixes literature, politics and history and then tries to bring them all together into a meaningful whole.”—Los Angeles Times“The arrangement of pieces is so natural, and so symphonic, it’s hard to recollect their discrete appearances: It seems as though Reporting is less an amalgamation of individual articles than it is a previously serialized volume at long last published whole.”—The San Francisco Chronicle
Table Of Contents
The Wildnerness Campaign: Al Gore
Mrs. Graham
The Masochism Campaign: Tony Blair
High Water
Into the Clear: Philip Roth
No Longer, Not Yet: Don DeLillo
Exit the Castle: Václav Havel
The Exile: Solzhenitsyn in Vermont
Deep in the Woods: Solzhenitsyn in Moscow
The Last Tsar
The Translations Wars
Post-Imperial Blues: Vladimir Putin
The Afterlife: Natan Sharansky
The Outsiders: Benjamin Netanyahu
Rage and Reason: Sari Nusseibeh and the PLO
The Spirit Level: Amos Oz
After Arafat
Kid Dynamite Blows Up: Mike Tyson
Cornerman: Teddy Atlas
Comeback: Larry Holmes
The Moralist: Lennox Lewis
Tyson’s Corner
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