Forgotten Among the Lilies
By Ronald Rolheiser
By Ronald Rolheiser
By Ronald Rolheiser
By Ronald Rolheiser
Feb 20, 2007 | ISBN 9780385512329
Feb 20, 2007 | ISBN 9780385521581
Beyond Tolerance
The Politics of Jesus
The Vatican Diaries
More than a Savior
Render Unto Rome
Warrior Soul
Real Church in a Social Network World
Satisfying Work
The Early Prophets: Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings
Praise for The Holy Longing
“A master weaver is at work here. … I found my soul on every page. At least we have a guide who helps us know what to do with the fire of desire within us. At last a comprehensive, life-giving approach to sexuality. At last a dynamic understanding of how the paschal mystery plays in our own lives. At last a way to weave love for the poor and struggling people with the highest mystical love of God—I love this book.”
—Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking
Praise for The Restless Heart
“Ronald Rolheiser examines the pain of loneliness and the meaning of our longing with compassionate precision. The book is not simply an exercise in personal spirituality—it also comes at a time when great social and political harm is done because many of us cannot endure and enjoy who we are in our loneliness. A much-needed antidote to the uneasiness of the times.”
—Alan Jones, Dean of Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, author of Living the Truth, and coauthor of Seasons of Grace
“Ronald Rolheiser has emerged as one of the finest spiritual writers of our time. In this new edition of his earliest work, he tills the soil where the holy longing is cultivated, nurtured, and sustained: the lonely human heart. He holds the key to helping loosen the suffocating grip of loneliness so that our deepmost desires flourish and find rest in God.”
—Michael Downey, Cardinal’s Theologian, Archdiocese of Los Angeles
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