Oct 27, 1998 | ISBN 9781556432774
Buy the Paperback:
The Circadian Diabetes Code
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Your Body Already Knows
"Dr. Rowe has created the finest introductory text to date. It covers the practical aspects of case taking and analysis thoroughly and with insight. The intimidating tools used by homeopaths–repertories and materia medicase–are made accessible by Dr. rowe’s careful step-by-step guidance."
– Roger Morrison, M.D.
"A conscientious study of this workbook will create the solid methodological foundation essential to the successful practice of homeopathic medicine."
– Jonathan Shore, M.D., D. Ht.
"Homeopathy is both an art and a science. A prerequisite for expressing one’s full creative potential as a homeopath is to master the available tools. Homeopathic Methodology offers a clear introduction to the art of casetaking, repertory usage, and case analysis, providing a solid launching paltform for the student of homeopathy."
– Harry van der Zee, M.D.
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