The Radioactive Boy Scout
By Ken Silverstein
By Ken Silverstein
By Ken Silverstein
By Ken Silverstein
Category: Science & Technology
Category: Science & Technology
Jan 11, 2005 | ISBN 9780812966602
Mar 02, 2004 | ISBN 9781588363565
The Accidental Masterpiece
Natural Born Heroes
Scandalous Women
Putting People in Your Paintings
Does This Make Me Look Fat?
Shrapnel in the Heart
Thirst for Love
“Anyone who has ever wondered what the neighborhood geek might be brewing up in his backyard should read The Radioactive Boy Scout. This is a riveting and disturbing story about the power of the teenage mind—and the sparks that fly when a nuclear family melts down.”
—David Kushner, author of Masters of Doom
“Amazing . . . unsettling . . . should come with a warning: Don’t buy [this book] for any obsessive kids in the family. It might give them ideas.”
–Rocky Mountain News
“An astounding story . . . [Silverstein] has a novelist’s eye for meaningful detail and a historian’s touch for context.”
–The San Diego Union-Tribune
“Alarming . . . The story fascinates from start to finish.”
“Enthralling . . . [It] has the quirky pleasures of a Don DeLillo novel or an Errol Morris documentary. . . . An engaging portrait of a person whose life on America’s fringe also says something about mainstream America.”
–Minneapolis Star Tribune
“[Silverstein] does a fabulous job of letting David [Hahn’s] surrealistic story tell itself. . . . But what’s truly amazing is how far Hahn actually got in the construction of his crude nuclear reactor.”
–The Columbus Dispatch
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