By Nassim Nicholas Taleb
By Nassim Nicholas Taleb
By Nassim Nicholas Taleb
By Nassim Nicholas Taleb
By Nassim Nicholas Taleb
By Nassim Nicholas Taleb
By Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Read by Joe Ochman
By Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Read by Joe Ochman
Part of Incerto
Part of Incerto
Part of Incerto
Part of Incerto
Category: Business | Philosophy
Category: Business | Philosophy
Category: Business | Philosophy
Category: Business | Philosophy | Audiobooks
Jan 28, 2014 | ISBN 9780812979688
Nov 27, 2012 | ISBN 9781400067824
Nov 27, 2012 | ISBN 9780679645276
Nov 27, 2012 | ISBN 9780739370704
975 Minutes
Buy the Audiobook Download:
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Every Business Is a Growth Business
The Wolf of Wall Street (Movie Tie-in Edition)
Managing Up
Catching the Wolf of Wall Street
This Is a Prototype
“Ambitious and thought-provoking . . . highly entertaining.”—The Economist
“A bold book explaining how and why we should embrace uncertainty, randomness, and error . . . It may just change our lives.”—Newsweek
“Revelatory . . . [Taleb] pulls the reader along with the logic of a Socrates.”—Chicago Tribune
“Startling . . . richly crammed with insights, stories, fine phrases and intriguing asides . . . I will have to read it again. And again.”—Matt Ridley, The Wall Street Journal
“Trenchant and persuasive . . . Taleb’s insatiable polymathic curiosity knows no bounds. . . . You finish the book feeling braver and uplifted.”—New Statesman
“Antifragility isn’t just sound economic and political doctrine. It’s also the key to a good life.”—Fortune
“At once thought-provoking and brilliant.”—Los Angeles Times
“[Taleb] writes as if he were the illegitimate spawn of David Hume and Rev. Bayes, with some DNA mixed in from Norbert Weiner and Laurence Sterne. . . . Taleb is writing original stuff—not only within the management space but for readers of any literature—and . . . you will learn more about more things from this book and be challenged in more ways than by any other book you have read this year. Trust me on this.”—Harvard Business Review
“By far my favorite book among several good ones published in 2012. In addition to being an enjoyable and interesting read, Taleb’s new book advances general understanding of how different systems operate, the great variation in how they respond to unthinkables, and how to make them more adaptable and agile. His systemic insights extend very well to company-specific operational issues—from ensuring that mistakes provide a learning process to the importance of ensuring sufficient transparency to the myriad of specific risk issues.”—Mohamed El-Erian, CEO of PIMCO, Bloomberg
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