Across the Land and the Water
By W.G. Sebald
Translated by Iain Galbraith
By W.G. Sebald
Translated by Iain Galbraith
By W.G. Sebald
Translated by Iain Galbraith
By W.G. Sebald
Translated by Iain Galbraith
Category: Poetry | Classic Nonfiction
Category: Poetry
Apr 09, 2013 | ISBN 9780812981100
Mar 27, 2012 | ISBN 9781588369567
A Place in the Country
A Tramp Abroad
Three Filipino Women
The Captain’s Daughter and Other Stories
Harlem Shadows
On the Natural History of Destruction
Silent Catastrophes
Dark Water
The Necklace and Other Tales
Praise for W. G. Sebald
“How fortunate we are to have this writer’s startling imagination freshly on display once again, and now in poetry. ACROSS THE LAND AND THE WATER is a rich collection full of little mysteries, unnerving insights, and odd reflections, all expressed in language honed to a perfect simplicity. ‘The Three Wise Men/Are walking the earth,’ his lines go, and at least one of them is W.G. Sebald.” — Billy Collins, former United States Poet Laureate
“A significant addition to Sebald’s main achievement – full of things that are beautiful and fascinating in themselves, and which cast a revealing light on the evolution and content of his prose . . . . an important book.” — The Guardian UK
“Now with the publication of Across the Land and the Water: Selected Poems 1962-2001 , thanks to the translation and scholarship of Iain Galbraith, Sebald readers can hear the master’s voice again and see in distilled form the Sebald landscape, as if for the first time…Sebald reminds me of the humanist tradition of Günter Grass or Heinrich Böll, company he unquestionably belongs to as poet, essayist and prose writer, one of the great artists of our time.” — The Irish Times
“This selection of W G (Max) Sebald’s poems will be treasure trove to his admirers. Brilliantly translated by Iain Galbraith . . . it includes works from the whole length of his creative life, cut short far too early in December 2001… In fact, read them all, and more than once. I would suggest reading the poems straight through first, then again side by side with Galbraith’s notes – seldom is a set of notes to a text so entertaining in itself – and then for a third time. Three readings, I can assure anyone, will be no hardship.” — Literary Review UK
“As in his prose, the poems invest every landscape with an archaeologist’s sense of the pain, toil and loss secreted in each layer of soil. Always an inveterate ‘Border Crosser’ – between lands, ages, moods, poetry and prose, history and fiction – he seeks ‘to register/ what we have forgotten’ . . . the wonderful alchemy via which Sebald transmuted the found material of actual biography and history into fiction that kept faith with truth explains much of his appeal.” — The Independent UK
“Preoccupied with memory, desire and the ghostliness of objects, Sebald can evoke in one poem the faded glamour of ‘a forgotten era/of fountains and chandeliers’ or a ‘turn-of-the-century/frock-coat and taffeta bow’ while in another he will speak of an ‘ugly/tower block’ or ‘moribund supermarkets’. This shift between differing eras could seem forced or artificial. And yet Sebald manages such movement with a lightness of touch…Even in a seemingly simple six-line poem, the sudden weight of historical events can be felt.” — The Economist UK
“Is literary greatness still possible? What would a noble literary enterprise look like? One of the few answers available to English-speaking readers is the work of W. G. Sebald.”—Susan Sontag
“Sebald stands with Primo Levi as the prime speaker of the Holocaust and, with him, the prime contradiction of Adorno’s dictum that after it, there can be no art.”—Richard Eder, The New York Times Book Review
“Sebald is a rare and elusive species . . . but still, he is an easy read, just as Kafka is. . . . He is an addiction, and once buttonholed by his books, you have neither the wish nor the will to tear yourself away.”—Anthony Lane, The New Yorker
“The secret of Sebald’s appeal is that he saw himself in what now seems almost an old-fashioned way as a voice of conscience, someone who remembers injustice, who speaks for those who can no longer speak.”—Charles Simic, The New York Review of Books
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