Feb 23, 2010 | ISBN 9781587613517
Feb 23, 2010 | ISBN 9781587613616
Learn to Knit, Love to Knit
Pretty Intense
What’s Wrong with My Marijuana Plant?
Healing Teas
A Homeopathic Handbook of Natural Remedies
The Deming Management Method
The Little Book of Healthy Beauty
Herbal Remedies
How to Eat Away Arthritis
“The Uterine Health Companion is good medicine. Because it’s written from the perspective of a medical anthropologist with cross-cultural experience, it highlights how very skewed the Western medical view of the uterus really is. I highly recommend this book.”
—Christiane Northrup, MD, author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom
“As an Ob/Gyn physician, I work with many women in healing their hormones and the effects on their uterus. The Uterine Health Companion has become a resource for healing, hope, and understanding for so many women. I highly recommend this book to every woman. Dr. Eve Agee has such insight and gives sound guidance that will absolutely intrigue you.”
-Dr. Anna Cabeca, OB/GYN and Author
“In The Uterine Health Companion by Dr. Eve Agee, women learn the importance of the uterus in personal balance: emotionally, physically, and in harmony with the essence of how their bodies interact with the universe. Key points are deep breathing, visualization, and a gentle, positive, encouraging attitude. Hat’s off to Dr. Agee for tackling the historical subject of the uterus that is engraved on cave walls, especially because of the alarming rate of hysterectomies in the USA, and the number of invisible yet inwardly distraught women who unfairly and mercilessly carry the loss of their womb within their own fibre. Highly recommended for all menstruating women, peri-menopausal women, and women contemplating a hysterectomy. For those who have already had a hysterectomy, Uterine Health is the first solution I have seen that addresses the root of the problem, and equally important, it offers a viable option that can put a woman and her femininity back on track, so that she can finally heal, and then go on with the rest of her life. This book offers hope, and life-transforming hope at that.”
- Dr. Margaret Aranda, MD Physician and Author
Table Of Contents
Acknowledgments vii
Introduction Celebrating the Uterus 1
Part One Understanding Uterine Health
Chapter One Holistic Health Foundations 15
Chapter Two Your Uterus: A Road Map 27
Part Two The Optimal Uterine Health Plan
Chapter Three Transforming the Mind: Breathwork, Visualization, and Cognitive Restructuring 51
Chapter Four The Power of Food: Uterine Wellness Through Nutrition 79
Chapter Five Strengthening the Body: Movement, Postural Alignment, and Bodywork 103
Part Three Uterine Health Conditions
Chapter Six Menstruation 121
Chapter Seven Endometriosis 135
Chapter Eight Fibroids 151
Chapter Nine Fertility, Pregnancy, and Birth 167
Chapter Ten Menopause 185
Chapter Eleven Hysterectomy 201
Conclusion Creating Lifelong Wellness: New Possibilities for Uterine Health 217
Resources 221
Notes 225
Bibliography 231
Index 241
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