Jan 25, 2011 | ISBN 9780375897313 | Young Adult
Speed of Light
Poison Tree
The Pack
Twenty Questions for Gloria
The Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books, February 2011:
“Nelson offers…variation to the vampire YA heap with his pseudo-transformation epileptic chick, but even more interesting and memorable is the thoughtful exploration of the way logic and faith (in varying forms) can sometimes yield much more remarkable results than either alone.”
Publisher’s Weekly, February 14, 2011:
“Nelson (Days of Little Texas) proves that the vampire genre is not entirely sucked dry with this fast-paced adventure featuring an enjoyably flawed heroine…With a pseudoscientific take on vampires, a smattering of Germanic lore, and a strikingly unconventional showdown, this is a robust alternative to the forbidden love tropes of wispier vampire novels.”
BookPleasures.com, December 25, 2010:
“This is not your regular vamp fare, guys and gals. From the romance that is anything but trite, to the amazing science fiction aspects, you will find yourself FINALLY happy that a good writer wrote a very good vampire book. Enjoy!”
TeenReads.com, February 19, 2011:
“I picked up a bit of German vocabulary as Emma’s grandfather, Papi, and all the vampires speak the language; I was given an insider’s view of what it’s like to live with epilepsy; and I learned some things about vampires that I never knew before…THROAT is quite well-written, and I very much enjoyed reading it. I think you will, too.”
Bookloons.com, March 1, 2011:
“This unusual supernatural thriller shines a different light on vampires.”
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