The Outward Room
By Millen Brand
Afterword by Peter Cameron
By Millen Brand
Afterword by Peter Cameron
By Millen Brand
Afterword by Peter Cameron
By Millen Brand
Afterword by Peter Cameron
Category: Literary Fiction
Category: Literary Fiction
Oct 19, 2010 | ISBN 9781590173596
Oct 19, 2010 | ISBN 9781590174074
The Rest Is Silence
The Penguin Book of Korean Short Stories
End of the World and Hard-Boiled Wonderland
The Hunter
Rental House
Birds, Beasts and a World Made New
I Make Envy on Your Disco
The Kingdom of Sweets
The Abolitionist’s Daughter
“Millen Brand has that rare empathetic ability to love all his characters. . . . And so the reader comes to feel, and fear, for the characters in a way that is almost unbearably tender. An odd glow of love permeates every aspect of this book.” —Peter Cameron, from the introduction
“A fine book. It is one of those firmly painted, exquisite miniatures of life, rare among modern books, that contrive to be unsparing and honest, and at the same time refreshing and lovely.” –Theodore Dreiser
“…a quiet little miracle of a book…. a beautiful work.” —Emily St. John Mandel, The Millions
“…a strange and often beautiful book, an adventure story and a love story and, at its best, a kaleidoscopic glimpse of New York City during the worst moments of the Depression…. Brand’s imagery and detail still dazzle.” —The New Republic
“The Outward Room is original and fascinating. This author will not only bear watching, but warrants immediate and exuberant criticism. The book roams into the most intricate and obscure recesses of human experience; does it brilliantly and emerges into the sunlight.” –Fannie Hurst
“Opening with an escape from a mental hospital, this book, by following the efforts of a sensitive girl to accept normal living again, creates an understanding of a patient’s problems ‘on the outside.’” –The Disability History Museum
“Story of a girl who cured herself of manic depressive insanity, with a happy ending that is plausible if not probable. A distinguished first novel.” –Time Magazine
“A brave novel about a woman who escaped from the fogs of today’s misery into the sun of normality and happiness; a story as devoid of sentimentality as a blizzard, and yet a great love story–a real love story. I don’t know when I have ever seen a more exciting first novel.” –Sinclair Lewis
“Millen Brand is like an English major who minored in psychology and never feels quite sure that it shouldn’t have been the other way around. Author of The Outward Room and coauthor of the screenplay for The Snake Pit, he has served long enough as a psychiatric aide to become vocationally confused about his main role as a journeyman novelist.” –Time Magazine
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