Acts of Faith
By Eboo Patel
By Eboo Patel
By Eboo Patel
By Eboo Patel
Category: Religion | Biography & Memoir
Category: Religion | Biography & Memoir
Jul 27, 2010 | ISBN 9780807006221
Sep 15, 2010 | ISBN 9780807006313
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“A beautifully written story of discovery and hope.”
—President Bill Clinton
“[A] visionary book, part coming-of-age memoir and part call-to-action . . . A shining vision of the possibilities of interfaith cooperation and pluralistic discourse.”
—Adam Mansbach, The Boston Globe
“The best recent American statement about living one’s faith in a pluralistic society.”
—Robin Lovin, Christian Century
“Remarkable . . . A well-written, compelling testimony to how one man is trying to ensure that different religions can live side by side in peace.”
—Paul Raushenbush,
“Eboo Patel is an exciting new voice of a new America: diverse but not divisive, hopeful but not utopian. He speaks for all of us from a rising generation of bright, brown, and bold Americans who have much to offer a country embarking on a new millennium and in need of new blood.”
—Shaykh Hamza Yusuf, executive director of the Zaytuna Institute
Table Of Contents
Introduction: The Faith Line
1. The Crossroads of the Identity Crisis
2. Growing Up American, Growing Up Other
3. Identity Politics
4. Real World Activism
5. An American in India
6. The Story of Islam, the Story of Pluralism
7. The Youth Programs of Religious Totalitarians
(or Tribal Religion, Transcendent Religion)
8. Building the Interfaith Youth Core
Conclusion: Saving Each Other, Saving Ourselves
Bibliographic Essay
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