Mar 03, 2000 | ISBN 9780807036334
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Gutsy and imaginative . . . convincingly engages a range of complex issues about how men and women, Jews and gentiles, perceive one another. —Kirkus Reviews
“While Jews and feminists have over the years repeatedly debated whether the JAP is ‘real’ or not, Prell’s research breaks new ground because she examines the class anxieties underlying the image. . . . [Fighting to Become Americans] will challenge any reader’s preconceptions about who is and is not an American and why.” –Laura Brahm, The Women’s Review of Books
“Well-written and lively.” —Jewish World
“A definitive and fascinating history of the complex relationships between Jewish men and women in the twentieth century.” –George Cohen, Booklist
“[S]hows how the stereotypes we accept and create about ourselves mirror our anxieties in American society. . . . [Prell’s] analyses are telling and original.” –Ruth F. Brin, St. Paul Pioneer Press
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