Young, Gifted, and Black
By Theresa Perry and Claude Steele
Edited by Asa Hilliard, III
By Theresa Perry and Claude Steele
Edited by Asa Hilliard, III
By Theresa Perry and Claude Steele
Edited by Asa Hilliard, III
By Theresa Perry and Claude Steele
Edited by Asa Hilliard, III
By Theresa Perry and Claude Steele
Edited by Asa Hilliard, III
By Theresa Perry and Claude Steele
Edited by Asa Hilliard, III
Part of Beacon Classics
Feb 02, 2004 | ISBN 9780807031056
Feb 04, 2025 | ISBN 9780807019016
Sep 11, 2012 | ISBN 9780807095348
The Billionaire’s Vinegar
Jesus Wept
Fatal Vision
Right Here With You
Old Gods, New Enigmas
The Stained Glass Window
Six Impossible Things
Differ We Must
Booster Shots
“Perry, Steele, and Hilliard . . . challenge the terms of the current conversation that denies Black students’ gifts and they offer models for achieving excellence despite the burdens of racist stigma and stereotype . . . [An] important and powerful book . . . Offers a forceful antidote to the victim-blaming that pervades most policy discussions on Black achievement.”
—Charles Lawrence, Boston Review
“While the authors of the three essays in this thought-provoking volume disagree on many things, all agree that we must have a ‘better understanding of what it is we are asking African-American youth to do when we ask them to commit themselves, over time, to academic achievement . . .’ The solutions offered by each essay are creative, inspirational, and good old common sense.”
—Los Angeles Times
“In a remarkable essay, . . . Steele takes [a] very common coming-of-age experience and turns it into a hopeful solution . . . In just 22 pages, [Steele] proposes several solutions, as do the other contributors.”
—Jay Matthews, Washington Post
“Forget what you think you know about the achievement gap between white and black students. In Young, Gifted and Black, three professors lay out the research that shows what you ‘know’ is probably wrong.”
—American School Board Journal
“I am awed by the lucidity and careful crafting of these essays. The authors-all scholars of impeccable credentials in their respective fields-capture with unprecedented cogency the real issues surrounding the so-called ‘achievement gap.’ No one who reads this book can ever suggest that we don’t know what to do to promote high achievement for African-American students. The question is, do we really want to do so.”
—Lisa Delpit, Florida International University, author of Other People’s Children
“These three very different essays go a long way toward raising the level of the national discussion about ‘achievement gaps.'”
—Charles Payne, Duke University
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