On Judaism
By Martin Buber
By Martin Buber
By Martin Buber
By Martin Buber
Category: Religion | Philosophy
Category: Religion | Philosophy
Jan 13, 1996 | ISBN 9780805210507
Jun 19, 2013 | ISBN 9780307834089
Gather & Graze
Black Maria
Packing the Court
To Heal a Fractured World
Hunab Ku
The Written World
Daily in His Presence
Blinded by the Right
The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Volume III
“To read Martin Buber is to encounter an extraordinary soul—and to rish changing your life . . . Unique, exhilarating, profound.”
—David Wolpe, author of Why Be Jewish?
“When as an adult I first found myself wrestling with God, Torah, and Judaism, someone handed me these essays of Martin Buber. I found them, and subsequently all of Buber’s work, speaking deeply and wisely to my life-situation, inviting me into a conversation that has continued through the quarter-century since. To anyone who is newly attracted to, or deeply involved in, Jewish renewal, I recommend them for at least a quarter-century’s worth of wonderful exploration.”
—Arthur Waskow, author of Down-to-Earth Judaism
“How good it is to be reminded of the richness of Martin Buber’s early thought, of his passion, of his power as a teacher, even as a prophet. This collection, with Rodger Kamenetz’s foreword, will be of great value to all concerned with the revitalization of Judaism today.”
—Jonathan Omer-man, Metivta Institute
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