Acts of Aggression
By Noam Chomsky, Edward W. Said and Ramsey Clark
By Noam Chomsky, Edward W. Said and Ramsey Clark
By Noam Chomsky, Edward W. Said and Ramsey Clark
By Noam Chomsky, Edward W. Said and Ramsey Clark
Part of Open Media Series
Part of Open Media Series
Category: 1950 – Present Military History | Domestic Politics | World Politics
Category: 1950 – Present Military History | Domestic Politics | World Politics
Feb 09, 1999 | ISBN 9781583225462
Jan 04, 2011 | ISBN 9781609800147
Guns Up!
Beyond the Call of Duty
The Village of Ben Suc
“What exactly constitutes a ‘rogue’ state? If you are a regular consumer of mainstream media, you are probably familiar with the usual suspects the U.S. regularly trots out: Libya, North Korea, Iraq, Iran and Cuba. It looks like they can cross North Korea off the list, now that their nuclear missile ‘program’ turns out to be an empty tunnel. As the authors of this wonderful concise pamphlet point out, if the concept of ‘rogue state’ is to be of any use, we have to examine how such concepts further American racist policies around the world, and how hypocritical the U.S. is in pointing fingers everywhere but at itself. Edward Said looks at American attitudes toward the Arab world and the tendency for the U.S. to puritanically punish any state or group that dares to interfere with U.S. interests. Noam Chomsky weighs in with an analysis on how the U.S. constructs the notion of ‘rogue states’ and at the same time deflects attention from it’s own wrongdoing. Special attention is paid to U.S. agression against Iraq. Ramsey Clark examines how the U.S. continues to violate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. A great pocket guide to foreign policy.” —Alternative Press Review
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