By Sean Michael Wilson and Carl Thompson
Introduction by Noam Chomsky
By Sean Michael Wilson and Carl Thompson
Introduction by Noam Chomsky
By Sean Michael Wilson and Carl Thompson
Introduction by Noam Chomsky
By Sean Michael Wilson and Carl Thompson
Introduction by Noam Chomsky
May 07, 2013 | ISBN 9781609804565
Apr 16, 2013 | ISBN 9781609804572
Pies descalzos: Una historia de Hiroshima / Barefoot Gen: A Cartoon Story of Hiroshima
Fantastic Four The Ultimate Guide
Marvel Encyclopedia Collector’s Edition
Cities Made Differently
All in Line
Warburg & Beach (Spanish Edition)
Manga Diary of a Male Porn Star Vol. 5
If… Stands Up
Past Tense
“This graphic novel challenged me to think through new ideas as well as the world we live in. Even better it did so in a way I didn’t find boring or grating to read, much like some of the works referenced within it. Parecomic is a fine example of how far the comic medium has come. It’s no longer ruled by only heroes in tights, it’s now a tool in our greater understanding of the world and further education.”
—Graphic Policy
“This is an accessible and serviceable introduction to the principles of parecon and the vision of one of its founders. Recommended for readers interested in alternative economic models and the legacy of the radical 1960s.”
—Library Journal
“As a primer on the history and theory of participatory economics, this title is never short on ideas, tracing the development of Michael Albert’s theories on self-management, social justice, and internationalism, and their origins in the civil disobedience and consciousness-raising movements of the late ’60s and early ’70s. As a student at MIT, Albert was inspired by the culture of activism to found Z magazine, ZNet, and the International Organization for a Participatory Society. Some readers may wonder why Wilson (AX: Alternative Manga) and Thompson (the webcomie Green Benches) have chosen Albert’s story for treatment as a visual narrative, and that treatment definitely makes some of book’s issues more palatable to a wider audience. Artist Thompson is also very adept at marrying the literal and the symbolic to allow Wilson’s prose, and therefore Albert’s ideas, to resonate with readers. There are moments, though, when the book stalls and readers find themselves wading through lengthy, text-heavy panel sequences featuring shots of Albert discussing a given issue. Still, Thompson and Wilson can be very inventive with their effects. Parecomic is inspired at times, and as a treatise on participatory economics, it’s pretty great. As a comic, though, it’s just pretty good.” —Publisher’s Weekly
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