Mission in a Bottle
By Seth Goldman and Barry Nalebuff
Illustrated by Sungyoon Choi
By Seth Goldman and Barry Nalebuff
Illustrated by Sungyoon Choi
By Seth Goldman and Barry Nalebuff
Illustrated by Sungyoon Choi
By Seth Goldman and Barry Nalebuff
Illustrated by Sungyoon Choi
Category: Business | Nonfiction Graphic Novels
Category: Business | Nonfiction Graphic Novels
Sep 03, 2013 | ISBN 9780770437497
Sep 03, 2013 | ISBN 9780770437503
The Automatic Customer
The Wealth of Knowledge
Double-Digit Growth
Managing by Storying Around
Say It and Live It
Fix This Next
Billion Dollar Lessons
China’s Disruptors
“Stories of American business start-ups are a dime a dozen, which makes margins on them very thin. This might be why this graphic book about Honest Tea from its co-founders Seth Goldman and Barry Nalebuff feels like their products – a little unsweetened and, well, honest.” – Financial Times
“Seth and Barry have translated the wild, often lonely entrepreneural adventure into a delightfully candid and accessible read for anyone interested in starting or growing a business. Like their beautiful drinks, this book is refreshingly honest.”
—Gary Hirshberg, Co-founder and Chairman, Stonyfield Farm
“If you run a business, work for a business, want to know how business works, or are thinking of starting a business, READ THIS BOOK! It’s a great story, and the good guys win.”
—Andrew Tobias, The Only Investment Guide You’ll Ever Need
“The honest voices of Seth and Barry coupled with the humanity of each scene drew me in and made it easy to read this brilliant business book disguised as a comic. A must-read for budding or well-rooted entrepreneurs—or really anyone interested in what happens behind the scenes at a start-up. I loved it!”
—Shazi Visram, Founder and CEO of Happy Family
“When Seth left Calvert to launch Honest Tea, I was puzzled how a bottled tea venture could be so meaningful. Now I know. Mission in a Bottle is a courageous, engaging, and frank story around his inspiring example of social entrepreneurship. I read it in one sitting.”
—Wayne Silby, Founding Chair, Calvert Funds
“Seth and Barry have crafted a rich and compelling story and told it with the perfect blend of inspiration and humility. For anybody who has started a business—and especially those considering an entrepreneurial path—MISSION IN A BOTTLE is a must-read.”
—Daniel Pink, author of To Sell is Human and Drive
An utterly engrossing story of the frustrations and ecstasies involved in transforming a simple idea into a hugely successful bsuiness. Anyone who has ever been curious about the inner-workings of a start-up will find this intimate account both refreshing and–need it be said?–honest.
– Joshua Foer, author of Moonwalking with Einstein
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