Performing Under Pressure
By Hendrie Weisinger and J. P. Pawliw-Fry
By Hendrie Weisinger and J. P. Pawliw-Fry
By Hendrie Weisinger and J. P. Pawliw-Fry
By Hendrie Weisinger and J. P. Pawliw-Fry
By Hendrie Weisinger and J. P. Pawliw-Fry
Read by Michael Butler Murray
By Hendrie Weisinger and J. P. Pawliw-Fry
Read by Michael Butler Murray
Category: Business | Self-Improvement & Inspiration
Category: Business | Self-Improvement & Inspiration
Category: Business | Self-Improvement & Inspiration | Audiobooks
Feb 24, 2015 | ISBN 9780804136723
Feb 24, 2015 | ISBN 9780804136730
Feb 24, 2015 | ISBN 9780553546484
661 Minutes
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“You’ll want to incorporate the tips, tools and advice into your life.”
— Success Magazine
“This book is a wonderful mix of empirical studies and firsthand accounts that show how pressure impacts our personal and professional lives.”
“An unusually sharp account of work and performing under pressure.”
–Financial Times
“Thoughtful and well argued…useful distinction between pressure and stress.”
–Los Angeles Times
“Outstanding read! A tremendous guide to handling everyday pressure we all face.”
–Don La Greca, ESPN New York Talk Show Host
“Performing Under Pressure offers 22 practical solutions that can help you perform better in a true pressure situation, as well as helping you develop the confidence, optimism, tenacity, and enthusiasm that allow you to do your best on a daily basis.”
—Amy Morin, author 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do
“Today’s executive must muster, harness, and manage energy effectively — avoiding the debilitating effects of pressure. Dr. Weisinger provides sensible, evidence-based tools and techniques for doing just that. Following his guide will allow enhanced leadership performance as well as happier personal lives.”
–Dr. Victor Tabbush, Professor Emeritus, The Anderson School at UCLA
“All too often, we choke or crumble under pressure. This book reveals how we can develop nerves of steel.”
– Adam Grant, Wharton professor and New York Times bestselling author of Give and Take
“In this excellent book, Dr. Weisinger looks deeper into the mental systems of performance better than I’ve ever read before…. Every other examination of the topic seems a surface analysis compared to this work. If you want to go to the next level get this book, read it and keep it handy.”
— Kevin Elko, Ph.D. Consultant for the University of Alabama Football team and author of The Pep Talk
“A tremendous tool. Hendrie helps us understand pressure and it’s consequences, then provides a clear cut strategy to help reduce it in our daily lives.”
–Keith Allain, Coach, Yale Hockey Team, 2013 NCAA Champions
“In this priceless new book, Dr. Weisinger has woven together memorable examples from the world of sports and entertainment, scientific research, pragmatic advice and a deep understanding of how to do our best when it matters most, whatever the circumstances. I hope you will read it before your next job interview, sales pitch, performance review, or stakeholders’ meeting ….”
— Mark Anderson, President, ExecuNet
“Performing Under Pressure addresses the issues and skill-building that I consider to be the most important in our lives…. By using the principles in this book, readers will understand that the advice and encouragement I have given rock stars 10 minutes before opening live at Madison Square Garden, to leading actors who wonder if they can deliver when the director says “action,” are remarkably similar to the advice I have given to help couples find the courage and poise to live up to the challenges of parenthood, along with the guidance I have imparted to couples ten minutes before their wedding. Handling the pressure of critical moments truly determines a great deal of the life success that each of us can achieve.”
–Ronald M. Podell, MD, Author, Contagious Emotions, Founder and Medical Director of the Center for Bio-Behavioral Science in Los Angeles
“Performing Under Pressure hit so many high notes I immediately ordered it for my daughters (one in law school, one a lawyer) and my mother (beloved Nana to the “Baker’s Dozen” and more). A must read for every individual and especially those graced with the honor of educating children in the twenty-first century.”
— Mama Marlaine, Founder Parenting 2.0 Creator, The Life Skills Report Card
“Performing Under Pressure is that rare specimen in the self-help field: a fascinating, research-based, counter-intuitive, and eminently useful book. I was surprised by something in every chapter, and guided to simple steps that are proven to increase confidence, optimism, tenacity, and enthusiasm. My coaching clients and I were benefiting before I had gotten halfway through.”
— Howard Jacobson, PhD, Contributing author of Proteinaholic and host of the Plant Yourself Podcast
“Performing Under Pressure is an incredible resource that is changing the way we think about leadership development in the highly-pressurized context of business school. For our students to flourish at Michigan Ross and sustain their leadership performance after graduation, they must be able to distinguish between stress and pressure and manage both. Short- and long-term pressure solutions, like those described in the book, are becoming more and more essential for our students and alumni as they operate in today’s complex and dynamic world. Hendrie and JP have created a terrific handbook that makes a world of research in this area accessible and actionable.”
— Brian T. Flanagan, Managing Director of the Sanger Leadership Center, University of Michigan Ross School of Business
“A great insight for anyone wanting to learn how to perform well when the heat is on. A string evidence base adds to the appeal of the many useful (and practical) messages underlying performance. I would highly recommend!”
–Dr. Veronica Burke, Programme Director at Cranfield University School of Management
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