By Barbara J. Fields and Karen E. Fields
By Barbara J. Fields and Karen E. Fields
By Karen Fields and Barbara J. Fields
By Karen Fields and Barbara J. Fields
Category: Domestic Politics | U.S. History
Category: History | Psychology
Feb 01, 2022 | ISBN 9781839765643
Oct 09, 2012 | ISBN 9781844679959
Climate Justice
Yo’ Mama’s Disfunktional!
The Burning of the World
Urban Engineering for Sustainability
Jimmy Carter: The Last Interview
One Nation Under Guns
Making the World Clean
The White Peril
Feeling at Home
“It’s not just a challenge to racists, it’s a challenge to people like me, it’s a challenge to African-Americans who have accepted the fact of race and define themselves by the concept of race.”
—Ta-Nehisi Coates
“Fundamentally challenged some of my oldest and laziest ideas about race.”
—Zadie Smith
“These essays are extraordinary. I love the forceful elegance with which they hammer home that race is a monstrous fiction, racism is a monstrous crime.”
—Junot Díaz
“Demanding and intelligent.”
—Jennifer Vega, PopMatters
“Karen E. Fields and Barbara J. Fields have undertaken a great untangling of how the chimerical concepts of race are pervasively and continuously reinvented and reemployed in this country.”
—Maria Bustillos, Los Angeles Review of Books
“The neologism ‘racecraft’ is modelled on ‘witchcraft’ … It isn’t that the Fieldses
regard the commitment to race as a category as an irrational superstition. On the
contrary, they are interested precisely in exploring its rationality—the role that
beliefs about race play in structuring American society—while at the same time
reminding us that those beliefs may be rational but they’re not true.”
—Walter Benn Michaels, London Review of Books
“A most impressive work, tackling a demanding and important topic—the myth that we now live in a postracial society—in a novel, urgent, and compelling way. The authors dispel this myth by squarely addressing the paradox that racism is scientifically discredited but, like witchcraft before it, retains a social rationale in societies that remain highly unequal and averse to sufficiently critical engagement with their own history and traditions.”
—Robin Blackburn
“[Racecraft] should be more widely read than it is—no matter its current reach. In it, the authors achieve an intelligence and agility that is rare in discussions of identity, racism, and inequality.”
—Matthew McKnight, Nation
“Liberal mores against overt racism are crumbling in the face of Trump. We must build them better … The Fields sisters dive through sociology, history, and science to reach the material truth: races is a product of racism, not the other way around.”
—Charlie Heller, Paste
“With examples ranging from the profound to the absurd—including, for instance, an imaginary interview with W.E.B. Dubois and Emile Durkheim, as well as personal porch chats with the authors’ grandmother—the Fields delve into ‘racecraft’s’ profound effect on American political, social and economic life.”
—Global Journal
“This is a very thoughtful book, a very urgent book.”
—The Academic & The Artist Cloudcast
“Ostensibly ‘antiracist’ politics that treat racial categories as if they were real … perpetuate what they purport to resist. As this form of counterproductive antiracism becomes hegemonic in our culture, the Fieldses’ insights are increasingly salient.”
—Blake Smith, Washington Examiner
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