World War One: 1914-1918
By Alan Cowsill
Illustrated by Lalit Kumar Sharma
By Alan Cowsill
Illustrated by Lalit Kumar Sharma
Part of Campfire Graphic Novels
May 20, 2014 | ISBN 9789380741857 | 13-17 years
Buy the Paperback:
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The Year’s Best Graphic Novel Award, Comicon India 2014
“This historical graphic novel highlights many of the major battles and events of World War I, from the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand to the armistice between Germany and the Allies. . . this account gives readers an insight into the effects—physical, mental, and emotional—that the war had on those who fought. Cowsill presents an excellent balance—providing big-picture information about the important events and key players of World War I, as well as giving an understanding of what life was like for the individual men in the trenches. Sharma depicts the horrors of life on the battlefield in a way that is authentic but not overly intimidating to sensitive readers. Upon completion of this narrative, teens will have an understanding of the enormous impact of World War I, both its far geographic reach and the enormous number of lives lost. At the Great War’s 100th anniversary, this volume will appeal to those with very little knowledge of the event, as well as those who are well-versed in the history of this period.” —Sarah Reid, Broome County Public Library, in School Library Journal
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