The Comic Book Story of Beer
By Jonathan Hennessey, Mike Smith and Aaron McConnell
Illustrated by Aaron McConnell
By Jonathan Hennessey, Mike Smith and Aaron McConnell
Illustrated by Aaron McConnell
By Jonathan Hennessey, Mike Smith and Aaron McConnell
Illustrated by Aaron McConnell
By Jonathan Hennessey, Mike Smith and Aaron McConnell
Illustrated by Aaron McConnell
Part of Comic Book Story of
Part of Comic Book Story of
Sep 22, 2015 | ISBN 9781607746355
Sep 22, 2015 | ISBN 9781607746362
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A New York Times Best Seller
“Wildly informative…the depth of the information and breadth of history packed into these 170 pages is astounding.”
—Men’s Journal
“In ancient times, farmers worried about losing precious grain to spoilage during wet winters. So they figured out how to malt grain and brew it into beer, thus preserving a nutritious source of calories. In The Comic Book Story of Beer, due out in September, we get a graphical tour of such pivotal moments—from the cradle of agriculture to the modern-day craft beer heyday.”
—Alastair Bland, NPR
“This latest hop- and barley-inspired feat certainly deserves a clinking of glasses—The Comic Book Story of Beer is something all beer, history and comic book nerds can enjoy.”
—Tiffany Do, Food Republic
“Nothing less than the history of human civilization itself. This endlessly entertaining and assiduously researched chronicle spans the ages as it recounts the role of this beloved beverage in politics, art, religion, agriculture, chemistry and more. The episodic narrative is smartly explored and quite ably illustrated. For a heady splash of history that goes down quite smoothly, this book’s for you!
—Richard Pachter, Miami Herald
“With meticulous research, the authors open the readers’ minds to the possibility that beer helped shape the course of civilization, not only by sharing the provocative ‘beer theory of agriculture’ but showing how, in each age, beer played a significant role in helping shape human affairs. McConnell’s illustrations are a perfect accompaniment; his sometimes amusing, sometimes intriguing, and sometimes provocative visuals have all the qualities of this favorite beverage. The abundance of interesting little details in these illustrations pair well with the wealth of information that the authors provide.”
—Publishers Weekly
“In tracing the history of beer, Back East Brewing Company’s Mike Smith and author Jonathan Hennessey do a convincing job of linking it to every important development in human history, from the dawn of agriculture through both world wars. The graphic format proves ideal for distilling centuries’ worth of detail into one easy-to-digest package”
“This book covers the history of beer in easily consumable, pint-sized portions. The only thing it won’t give you is a hangover! (Although I confess that it made me thirsty enough to down several beers while reading it.) It’s a fun, funny, and enjoyable read—exactly what a book about beer should be…even though most aren’t.”
—Zane Lamprey, International Drinking Ambassador and host of Three Sheets, Drinking Made Easy, and Chug
“A well researched, entertaining, interesting, informative, and iconoclastic account of the history of beer. Everything is covered from beginnings in Mesopotamia, the Black Death, the emergence of hopped beer, and the industrialization and development of brewing science to modern craft brewing, and all is presented in a very attractive graphical form.”
—Dr. Terry Foster, beer historian, brewer, and author of Pale Ale and Brewing Porters and Stouts
“For someone who was a comic book geek before a beer geek, The Comic Book Story of Beer seamlessly melds both worlds. McConnell’s lavish art is rich and vibrant, perfectly illustrating the high points of a story as old as civilization itself. Both fun and educational, it nicely shows how beer’s story is humankind’s story.”
— Jay R. Brooks, syndicated newspaper columnist and beer writer
Table Of Contents
Introduction The World’s Favorite Beverage 1
Chapter One Beer in the Ancient World 11
Chapter Two The Brewing Process 33
Chapter Three Dark Ages and Medieval Beer 50
Meet the Beer: Lambic 60
Meet the Beer: Trappist Dubbel 65
Chapter Four The Hops Revolution: Beer Becomes a Commodity 69
Meet the Beer: Bock 83
Chapter Five Empire and Industry: Beer Goes Big 85
Meet the Beer: Porter 94
Meet the Beer: India Pale Ale 97
Chapter Six Science and Politics Transform Beer—But for the Better? 100
Meet the Beer: Pilsner 108
Chapter Seven Prohibition and Homogenization Blues: Beer Goes Stale 118
Meet the Beer: American Lager 135
Chapter Eight Drinking on the Shoulders of Giants: Beer Today 138
Meet the Beer: American Pale Ale 146
Meet the Beer: Belgian Wit 157
Acknowledgments 171
Index 172
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