Time to Stand Up
By Thanissara
By Thanissara
By Thanissara
By Thanissara
Part of Sacred Activism
Part of Sacred Activism
Category: Religion | Meditation & Mindfulness | Philosophy | Science & Technology
Category: Religion | Meditation & Mindfulness | Philosophy | Science & Technology
Aug 18, 2015 | ISBN 9781583949160
Aug 18, 2015 | ISBN 9781583949177
Life Worth Living
I’ve Got Time
KJV Holy Bible, Large Print, Handy Size format, Hardcover, Lion of Judah, Ribbon Marker, and Red Letter
KJV Holy Bible, Multi Color Lion of Judah, Large Print, Handy Size format, Hardc over, Ribbon Marker, and Red Letter
Practicing the Way
Beyond Anxiety
The Golden Garuda
Breaking Ranks
“Buddhist teacher Thanissara offers an essential voice in support of the revolution needed to ensure a sustainable world. At the heart of truly effective change movements like Satyagraha, Civil Rights, Anti-Apartheid, or Poland’s Solidarity, the moral force of religious leaders and people of faith is essential. Time to Stand Up offers such a perspective while journeying through a depth diagnosis of our insane trajectory to a redemptive path of living the reality of our interdependence. Read this book if you wish to find clarity, courage, compassion, and collaboration.”
—Kumi Naidoo, executive director of Greenpeace International
“Bold and authentic, passionately benevolent … Thanissara offers profound insights into the alarming global conditions of our time and a mature understanding of the impact of our collective creation—and how we secure a livable future. This brave book offers wise, radical, and practical approaches that realign universal inequities and inspire integrity, intimacy, healing, and respect.”
—Ruth King, insight meditation teacher and author of Healing Rage and Mindful of Race
“As a vibrant, fascinating, charmingly introspective look at Buddhism, this is a book that brings a sense of hope to those who engage with, and venerate, the divine feminine—not just women but also men who are strong enough of character to stand up and admit to the mistakes of the past.”
—Spirituality Today
“For those who long to find in Buddhism a path dedicated to compassion-in-action, there is now a book that can illuminate the way. With clarity and deeply penetrating insight, Thanissara follows the contours of the Buddha’s awakening and emergence, both as a catalyst for the evolution of consciousness, and, inextricably related, as a caring agent of human and social transformation. She calls on us to reclaim and empower the feminine archetype, shining a light on the enlightened qualities desperately needed to counterbalance the shadow masculinity that has dominated world affairs. Please read this powerful, energizing, frightening and hopeful book, and share it with all who want to hold hands and serve the healing of our world.”
—Tara Brach, PhD, author of Radical Acceptance and True Refuge
“Love for the Earth. For the sake of our tortured planet, for the sake of our own awakening to life, engaged Buddhist leader Thanissara urges us to learn a new way to love.”
—Reverend Fletcher Harper, executive director of nonprofit GreenFaith, Interfaith Partners for the Environment
“In an age when our planet’s very survival is at stake, we need the timeless wisdom of women and the Buddha’s vision of all beings awakening. With Time To Stand Up, Thanissara skillfully shows us just where these paths meet and where they lead.”
—Hozan Alan Senauke, vice-abbot of Berkeley Zen Center and founder of Clear View Project
“This book is a passionate clarion call to all activists to unify profound spiritual and urgent radical action. An essential, original work of fierce wisdom and deep heart.”
—Andrew Harvey, author of Radical Passion
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