The Beauty of the Husband
By Anne Carson
By Anne Carson
By Anne Carson
By Anne Carson
By Anne Carson
By Anne Carson
Part of Vintage Contemporaries
Part of Vintage Contemporaries
Feb 19, 2002 | ISBN 9780676974751
Feb 19, 2002 | ISBN 9780375707575
May 20, 2009 | ISBN 9780307554567
Here I Stand
Yo’ Mama’s Disfunktional!
Young, Gifted, and Black
Grow Cook Eat
The Parthenon Marbles
The Burning of the World
The Complete Poetry
The Essential Oils Menopause Solution
Notes of a Native Son
“The most exciting poet writing in English today.” —Michael Ondaatje
“Brilliantly captured…Reading her is to experience a euphonious, mystical sort of perplexity…punctuated by what the husband himself calls ‘short blinding passages’…moments of almost unbearable poignancy.” —The New York Times
“Her best book…. Her poetry’s form and sensibility are quite unlike anything else.” —The Globe and Mail
“With swift strokes depicting the illusions and disillusions of a marriage gone sour, Carson has managed to make the intellectual life hip. In her hands, a quote from Plato seems as natural as a pop reference…. Then there are the lines of sheer lyricism, lines that send us spinning back to the idea of beauty, of truth.” —Miami Herald
“An exquisite meditation on love and loss that reads with the emotional depth — and with the ongoing resonance — of a great novel.” —Elle
“I would read anything that [Anne Carson] wrote.” —Susan Sontag
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