The Secret Lives of Toddlers
By Jana Murphy
By Jana Murphy
By Jana Murphy
By Jana Murphy
Category: Parenting | Psychology
Category: Parenting | Psychology
Oct 05, 2004 | ISBN 9780399530234
Oct 05, 2004 | ISBN 9781101156971
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Table Of Contents
The Secret Lives of ToddlersForeword by Edward R. Christopherson, Ph. D.
Part I: The Way We Play
1. Why do toddlers insist on wearing the same clothes everyday?
2. Why do toddlers love to dress up?
3. Why do toddlers love to play outside?
4. Why do toddlers love to play hide-and-seek?
5. Why do toddlers like to read the same books over and over again?
6. Why do toddlers play next to, but not with, one another?
7. Why do toddlers always want what the next child has?
8. Why do toddlers always repeat the worst things you say?
9. Why do toddlers play with the box and not with the gift?
10. Why do toddlers love to ride, bounce, spin, and swing?
11. Why do toddlers endlessly arrange and rearrange their toys?
12. Why do toddlers put things in the VCR, DVD, toilet, and heat vents?
13. Why are toddlers so fascinated with babies?
14. Why do toddlers have imaginary friends?
Part II: Mealtime Mayhem
15. Why do toddlers refuse to eat one day and eat everything in sight the next?
17. Why do toddlers swallow without chewing?
18. Why do toddlers smear, stack, juggle, and throw their food?
19. Why do toddlers try to eat plastic grapes and mud pies?
20. Why do toddlers have a love/hate relationship with their utensils?
21. Why do toddlers eat before blessing?
22. Why do toddlers fall asleep while they’re still eating?
Part III: So Little Sleep
24. Why do toddlers wake up so darned early?
25. Why do toddlers stop taking naps when they still need them?
26. Why do toddlers get hyper when they’re tired?
28. Why won’t toddlers sleep alone?
29. Why do toddlers still wake up at night?
31. Why do toddlers wake up terrified?
Part IV: This Little Boy of Mine
32. Why do toddlers bite?
33. Why do toddlers climb?
34. Why do toddlers love to be naked?
35. Why do toddlers pick their nose?
36. Why do toddlers hold their breath?
37. Why do toddlers pee in the tub?
38. Why don’t toddlers seem to smell their own stinky daipers?
39. Why do toddlers poop in the corner?
Part V: In the Mood
40. Why do toddlers throw temper tantrums?
41. Why do toddlers worship the ground their older siblings walk on?
42. Why do toddlers tell lies?
43. Why do toddlers cooperate in slow motion?
44. Why do toddlers favor one parent (and then the other)?
45. Why do toddlers suffer from separation anxiety?
46. Why do toddlers whine?
47. Why do toddlers cling to pacifiers and thumbs?
48. Why do toddlers drag around a favorite blanket?
49. Why do toddlers say “No, no, no”?
50. Why do toddlers think everything is “Mine, mine, mine”?
51. Why do some toddlers fear everything?
52. Why do some toddlers fear nothing at all?
Appendix A: Time-outs for Toddlers
Appendix B: Resources
About the Author
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