The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin
By Gordon S. Wood
By Gordon S. Wood
By Gordon S. Wood
By Gordon S. Wood
May 31, 2005 | ISBN 9780143035282
May 31, 2005 | ISBN 9781101200902
Consuming the Word
Many Are Called
Nearer, My God
The Fourth Cup
American Lion
Out of Africa
The American Civil War
Plain, Honest Men
Who the Devil Made It
“[Wood] possesses as profound a grasp of the early days of the Republic as anyone now working . . .” —The New York Times Book Review
“I cannot remember ever reading a work of history and biography that is quite so fluent, so perfectly composed and balanced . . .” —The New York Sun
“[Gordon Wood] conveys complex ideas in beguilingly simple prose, and deftly weaves the connections between the different Franklins.” —John Brewer, The New York Review of Books
“Exceptionally rich perspective on one of the most accomplished, complex, and unpredictable Americans of his own time or any other.” —The Washington Post Book World
“An illuminating, accessible and entertaining contribution to the growing literature about Benjamin Franklin.” —San Francisco Chronicle
Table Of Contents
Preface ix
Acknowledgements xi
List of Illustrations xv
Introduction 1
Becoming a Gentleman 17
Becoming a British Imperialist 61
Becoming a Patriot 105
Becoming a Diplomat 153
Becoming an American 201
Notes 247
Index 287
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