House of Cards
By William D. Cohan
By William D. Cohan
By William D. Cohan
By William D. Cohan
Feb 09, 2010 | ISBN 9780767930895
Mar 10, 2009 | ISBN 9780385530460
Money and Power
Three Cups of Deceit
The Price of Civilization
The Second Civil War
The Back Channel
Too Big to Fail
The Sack of Rome
“Engrossing . . . a parable about how the second Gilded Age came slamming to a fast and furious end. . . . Riveting, edge-of-the-seat reading.” —Michiko Kakutani, The New York Times
“Cohan’s epic account chronicles a watershed moment in Wall Street history.” —The Boston Globe
“Masterfully reported. . . . [Cohan] does a brilliant job of sketching in the eccentric, vulgar, greedy, profane and coarse individuals who ignored all these warnings to their own profit and the ruin of so many others.”–Los Angeles Times
“A masterly reconstruction of Bear Stearns’ implosion—a tumultuous episode in Wall Street history that still reverberates throughout our economy today. . . . First drafts of history don’t get much better than this.” —Bloomberg News
“This book is so rich, so flavorful, so instructive, and so fully and compelling cast that a reviewer hardly knows where to begin.” —The New York Observer
“Cohan vividly documents the mix of arrogance, greed, recklessness, and pettiness that took down the 86-year-old brokerage house and then the entire economy. It’s a page-turner . . . offering both a seemingly comprehensive understanding of the business and wide access to insiders. . . . Hard to put down.” —BusinessWeek
“[A]n authoritative, blow-by-blow account of the collapse of Bear Stearns.” —The Washington Post
“Cohen’s autopsy uncovers all the symptoms of a walking disaster.” —Newsweek
“A riveting blow-by-blow account.” —The Economist
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