Why We Can't Wait
By Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Afterword by Jesse Jackson
By Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Afterword by Jesse Jackson
Category: Domestic Politics | Classic Nonfiction | Essays & Literary Collections | History
Jan 01, 2000 | ISBN 9780451527530
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“No child should graduate from high school without having read this book. In telling the story of the third American Revolution, it is as integral to American history as the Declaration of Independence.”—Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.
Table Of Contents
With an Afterword by Reverend Jesse L. Jackson, Sr.
1. The Negro Revolution – Why 1963?
2. The Sword That Heals
3. Bull Connor’s Birmingham
4. New Day in Birmingham
5. Letter from Birmingham Jail
6. Black and White Together
7. The Summer of Our Discontent
8. The Days to Come
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