Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids
By Laura Markham
By Laura Markham
By Laura Markham
By Laura Markham
Part of The Peaceful Parent Series
Part of The Peaceful Parent Series
Category: Parenting | Psychology
Category: Parenting | Psychology
Nov 28, 2012 | ISBN 9780399160288
Nov 27, 2012 | ISBN 9781101613627
The Gift of a Happy Mother
Think and Grow Rich
The Handweaver’s Pattern Directory
Fantasy Mapmaker
What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast
Mastering Manga, How to Draw Manga Bodies
1000+ Little Habits of Happy, Successful Relationships
The Weaver’s Idea Book
Wired for Story
"Dr. Laura is always tuned in to what kids need so they can thrive, and what moms and dads need so they can parent well. If you want to feel more confident and peaceful as a parent, this is the book. Dr. Laura helps you understand what drives your child’s behavior, and gives you the practical tools to change it."
—Elizabeth Pantley, author of twelve parenting books including The No Cry Sleep Solution
“If you want to declare peace in your home, follow Dr. Laura Markham’s original and authentic advice. With her emphasis on taking responsibility for our own emotional states as parents and connecting rather than controlling, Dr. Laura offers us suggestions that help us to create strong relationships with our children. If we all followed Dr. Laura’s advice, we would indeed change the world."
—Peggy O’Mara, Founder of
“If you’re a parent who has been trying hard with your child, with mixed results, read this book. Peaceful Parents, Happy Kids can change your parenting life. Dr. Laura Markham shares an invaluable set of insights that are new to the world of parenting. She will show you how to deliver your love and guidance in a truly nurturing way, and how to avoid parental burn-out in the process.”
—Patty Wipfler, Founder of
"The Aha! moment in Dr. Laura Markham’s Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids is that attachment isn’t just for babies. Attachment provides the foundation for the growing child to learn emotional intelligence, empathy, and responsibility while he masters his environment. Dr. Laura teaches by example, holding parents with compassion as she gives them priceless, easy to use strategies to create a secure, healthy attachment with their child.”
—Lysa Parker & Barbara Nicholson, Founders of Attachment Parenting International, and authors of Attached at the Heart
"Dr. Laura shows parents how their empathy can wire their child’s brain for emotional regulation and happiness — and a brighter future for humanity. Her understanding and knowledge of the many challenges of raising loving, compassionate children gives parents powerful tools to be the best that they can be. A simple, yet revolutionary, message of love."
—Nancy Samalin, M.S, author of Loving Without Spoiling
“Peaceful Parents, Happy Kids has two important ideas, and one revolutionary idea. Dr. Laura Markham’s guidance on fostering connection and coaching instead of controlling are the important ideas, and they can make a huge difference in your life as a parent. Her explanation of why parents need to regulate ourselves first—before we can help regulate our children–is the revolutionary idea. Read it and you’ll see why she calls her work ‘Aha! Parenting.’”
—Lawrence J. Cohen, PhD, author of Playful Parenting
“Dr. Laura Markham’s work is practical, easy-to-apply and transformative. Get a cup of coffee, find a comfy chair, and be prepared to get great advice from a wise, new friend and fellow parent.”
—Jacqueline Green, Host of the Great Parenting Show
“A much-needed resource for parents….encouragement and actionable, doable, advice for parents to strengthen their connection with their children, and take care of themselves. Clearly helps parents to see how what they are doing today impacts and influences what happens tomorrow, yet the tone is gentle and non-judgmental. Such a user-friendly format for (often) weary parents.”
—Lisa Sunbury,
“Parents, this is the book we’ve all been waiting for. Dr. Laura Markham’s compassion, wisdom, common sense, love and understanding radiates in each carefully chosen word, example and suggestion throughout this well-written, easy-to-read, delicious book on peaceful parenting. From her chapter on effectively managing anger, ‘Listen to your anger, rather than act on it,’ to my favorite quote, ‘Your child is acting like a child because he is one,’ you’ll know you’ve found your parenting bible. Thank you, Dr. Markham.”
— Rev. Susan Nason, Parent Educator and Consultant
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