Bunny Roo, I Love You
By Melissa Marr
Illustrated by Teagan White
By Melissa Marr
Illustrated by Teagan White
By Melissa Marr
Illustrated by Teagan White
By Melissa Marr
Illustrated by Teagan White
By Melissa Marr
Illustrated by Teagan White
By Melissa Marr
Illustrated by Teagan White
Category: Children's Picture Books
Category: Children's Picture Books
Category: Children's Board Books
Apr 14, 2015 | ISBN 9780399167423 | Baby-3
Apr 14, 2015 | ISBN 9780698172272 | Baby-3
Jan 10, 2017 | ISBN 9780399546471 | Baby-3
Red House, Tree House, Little Bitty Brown Mouse
No Pants!
Drummer Boy
Madeline’s ABCs
Snowmen at Night
Grandude’s Green Submarine
Please Take Me For a Walk
Bella’s Rules
Pest In Show
“Using examples from nature in which animals care for their young, a human mother describes how she cares for her own baby. . . . Marr’s soothing text should prove calming for lap-sitting infants just beginning to focus on illustrations. White’s watercolor and gouache artwork exhibits a cozy feel, with realistically drawn animals posed against simple, recognizable settings. This makes a good choice for one-on-one sharing or as a baby story-hour selection.”—Booklist
“A mother’s observations of her new baby lead to a series of sweet comparisons to various animals. . . . Playful yet comforting language. . . . Each of the child’s behaviors leads to a tender action taken by the mother: tucking the baby in, offering milk, and giving a bath. . . . The overall design of the book [has] a vintage feel. . . . A lovely package, this quiet title will be best as a gift book for new moms eager to read aloud to the newest members of their families.”—Kirkus Reviews
“Young children love to pretend they’re baby animals—it’s an opportunity to explore the world in new ways, while ensuring their nurturers remain close at hand. In novelist Marr’s (the Wicked Lovely series) first picture book, a mother plays along, imagining her baby and herself as six different animals as she lovingly tracks its development. . . . White’s (Adventures with Barefoot Critters) restrained detailing, smudged colors, and frequent use of circular framings give her watercolors a vintage-looking, pastoral prettiness. It’s also fun to see how the mother retains her essential ‘momness’ regardless of what species she assumes.”—Publishers Weekly
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