Greeks Bearing Gifts
By Philip Kerr
By Philip Kerr
By Philip Kerr
By Philip Kerr
By Philip Kerr
Read by John Lee
By Philip Kerr
Read by John Lee
Part of A Bernie Gunther Novel
Part of A Bernie Gunther Novel
Part of A Bernie Gunther Novel
Category: Suspense & Thriller
Category: Suspense & Thriller
Category: Suspense & Thriller | Audiobooks
Mar 12, 2019 | ISBN 9780399185212
Apr 03, 2018 | ISBN 9780698413146
Apr 03, 2018 | ISBN 9780399566516
785 Minutes
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Praise for Greeks Bearing Gifts
“A terrifically complex tale … a beautifully written novel by a gifted writer who has left us too soon.” — Washington Post
“It doesn’t take much to get swept into Gunther’s latest adventure or taken in by his darkly witty commentary.” — Chicago Tribune
“Every bit as powerful and atmospheric and addictively page-turning as all the ones that came before it.”— Christian Science Monitor
“For bereft Kerr aficionados, this is a draught of vintage, as themes of redemption
are grippingly explored.” — The Guardian
“Bernie Gunther…is back — which is good news for all readers… What makes this latest Bernie book notable is how it strikes a series of authentic notes.” — The Washington Times
“Beyond Marlowe, though, there’s Bernie…Bernie’s internal demons have always provided the compelling drama in this series, and here we loyal supporters are granted a ray of hard-won hope. It provides a great moment in an always-riveting series.” —Booklist, starred review
“In typical top form, Kerr provides valuable insights into the times…Inspired by real people and events, the latest novel by the celebrated author of the Berlin Noir trilogy is a deep but breezy work in which even the most trustworthy characters can harbor dark secrets.”—Kirkus Review, starred review
“An outstanding historical thriller steeped in intrigue with a superb narrative, pace, and characterization.”—Library Journal, starred review
“Once again, Kerr shows Bernie contending bravely if futilely against powerful forces whose full evil becomes clear only at the end.”—Publishers Weekly
“Greeks Bearing Gifts is the 13th Bernie book, each of them a polished gem of unsentimental detective writing echoing Chandler and Hammett in spirit, if not language. … The entire series of books balances on the shoulders of Bernie Gunther, surely one of the most likable and confounding characters in modern detective fiction — or, it should be said, in contemporary English literature in general. For that is what Kerr has created, not mere formulaic genre novels, and Bernie’s moral ambiguity has a lot to do with the magnetic power of Kerr’s work.” — San Antonio Express-News
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