Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre
Edited by Walter Kaufmann
Edited by Walter Kaufmann
Category: Philosophy
Mar 01, 1975 | ISBN 9780452009301
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Table Of Contents
Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre – Walter Kaufmann Preface to the Expanded Edition
One: Kaufmann: Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre
Two: Dostoevsky: Notes from Underground
Three: Kierkegaard: The First Existentialist
1. On His Mission
2. On His Works
3. On His Mode of Existence
4. “That Individual”
5. Dread and Freedom
6. Authority
7. “Truth Is Subjectivity”
Four: Nietzsche: “Live Dangerously”
1. “The Challenge of Every Great Philosophy”
2. “The Gay Science”
3. On Free Death
4. The Beginning of the Will to Power
5. From Ecce Homo
Five: Rilke: The Notes of Malte Laurids Brigge
Six: Kafka: Three Parables
1. An Imperial Message
2. Before the Law
3. Couriers
Seven: Ortega: “Man Has No Nature”
Eight: Jaspers: Existenzphilosophie
1. On My Philosophy
2. Kierkegaard and Nietzsche
3. The Encompassing
Nine: Heidegger: The Quest for Being
1. My Way to Phenomenology
2. What is Metaphysics?
3. The Way Back into the Ground of Metaphysics
Ten: Sartre: Existentialism
1. The Wall
2. Self-Deception
3. Portrait of the Antisemite
4. Existentialism is a Humanism
5. Marxism and Existentialism
Eleven: Camus: The Myth of Sisyphus
Sources and Acknowledgments
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