If the Buddha Dated
By Charlotte Kasl
By Charlotte Kasl
By Charlotte Kasl
By Charlotte Kasl
Part of Compass
Part of Compass
Category: Religion | Philosophy
Category: Religion | Philosophy
Feb 01, 1999 | ISBN 9780140195835
Feb 01, 1999 | ISBN 9781101199404
Mother, Can You Not?
Train Go Sorry
Deeper Than Money
Life Before Man
Where I Belong
The Missed Connection
Why We Do What We Do
Do One Thing Every Day to Sleep Well Every Night
From Fatigued to Fantastic!
Praise for If the Buddha Dated and Charlotte Kasl
“[Charlotte Kasl] adds an entirely new level of understanding to our lives through love and not fear.” —Geneen Roth, author of When Food is Love
“A must-read for all people who value honesty, kindness, and compassion in the affairs of the heart.”—Susan Page, author of If I’m So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single?
“[This book] focuses not on a lot of basic how-to’s or manipulations but on creating spiritual bonds. Kasl does a beautiful job weaving Eastern philosophy into modern day relationships.” —Janet Luhrs, author of Simple Loving and The Simple Living Guide
“Dr. Kasl provides a wonderful blend of Buddhist wisdom, practical suggestions, psychological research, and her own rich perspective of being a mother [in If the Buddha Had Kids]. Parents will find this book very helpful in their efforts in promoting healthy brain development.” —Daniel Ladinsky, author of Love Poems from God, A Year with Hafiz, and The Purity of Desire
“[Kasl] brings the Buddha’s wisdom to the complex world of relationships. We’ve all heard that marriage can be a spiritual experience; reading this book, you actually believe it.” —Marianne Williamson, New York Times bestselling author of A Return to Love and A Year of Miracles
“[If the Buddha Had Kids] brings the wisdom of the ages to bear to help parents inways that are extraordinarily inspiring and remarkably practical.You discover compassion for your child and compassion for yourself.” —Marti Erikson, PhD, coauthor of Last Child in the Woods
“If the Buddha Got Stuck provides a roadmap to freedom and greater possibilities. Regardless of your starting place, Kasl will help you achieve greater joy, authenticity, and peace of mind. . . . Encouraging, practical, beautifully written.” —Laura Davis, author of I Thought We’d Never Speak Again and coauthor of The Courage to Heal
“If The Buddha Got Stuck brings perspective, inspiring stories, and useful exercises to feel less overwhelmed by life’s difficulties.” —Lisa M. Najavits, Ph.D., Associate Professor in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School and author of Seeking Safety: A Treatment Manual for PTSD and Substance Abuse
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