We Are Doomed
By John Derbyshire
By John Derbyshire
By John Derbyshire
By John Derbyshire
Category: Politics | Psychology
Category: Politics | Psychology
Oct 05, 2010 | ISBN 9780307409591
Sep 29, 2009 | ISBN 9780307462480
The Power of Progress
The War on Choice
Who Killed the Constitution?
The Leaderless Revolution
Independent Nation
Our Patchwork Nation
The Age of Austerity
Comeback America
“Where will a more intelligent, hence pessimistic, yet sprightly conservatism come from? You are holding in your hands part of the answer.”
—George F. Will, Pulitzer Prize—winning columnist and author of One Man’s America
“John Derbyshire contends that a comprehensive pessimism is the natural home for realistic conservatives, a breed that understands human nature better than utopian liberals and ‘happy talk conservatives.’ His argument is wide-ranging, erudite, and invigorating, but, paradoxically, delivered with cheerful panache.”
—Judge Robert H. Bork, author of the New York Times bestsellers The Tempting of America and Slouching Towards Gomorrah
“Just when you thought there was nothing to American conservatism but a bunch of blue-blazered fuddy-duddies who talk about global democracy, here comes John Derbyshire, who reminds us all of the place of pessimism and skepticism in the Western tradition. Not a moment too soon.”
—Taki Theodoracopulos, cofounder of The American Conservative and editor and publisher of Taki’s Magazine, takimag.com
“A funny and brilliant call to pessimism, Man’s last, best hope for a tolerable life. Pessimists are not only the only realists; they have all the best jokes.”
—Theodore Dalrymple, author of Not With a Bang But a Whimper and Our Culture, What’s Left of It
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