May 14, 2002 | ISBN 9780375709425
Sep 04, 2013 | ISBN 9780307559777
The Time of My Life
Mom’s List
Dearest Creature
In a Daze Work
The Boy Who Fell Out of the Sky
Parallel Play
In the Midst of Winter
My Pet Virus
Rowing Without Oars
"Di Piero has a great talent for close description . . . Particularly fine [is] the elegy for his parents, ‘White Blouse White Shirt,’ which ends on a note authentically sublime. Di Piero’s poems cling tenaciously to the real and hold out for something more true; they scour the world to see past it." — Kirkus Reviews
"A master of impressionistic candlelight, Di Piero is precise and empathetic . . . Between the everyday and the lofty, illuminated by ‘mildly crazed words,’ these thoughtful poetic compositions combine serious imagery with ‘truth in words’ . . . Refreshing poetry that gets better with reading." — Library Journal
"Di Piero consistently injects Kleinzahlerian whimsy into his short lyrics, along with pathos-laden descriptions of depression’s quotidian. This solemn attention to nature can mutate into Boccaccio-like satire . . . His ear is a great deal sharper than most poets chronicling their art- and writing-centered lives." — Publishers Weekly
"W. S. Di Piero’s poems have a different relationship to reality from what you find in most other poets’ work. When I publish one of his poems about Philadelphia, I get letters from people saying they know the neighborhood he’s talking about; sometimes they even know the block he’s talking about. When I read his poems about his father and mother and other relatives, I can see them, or hear them speak, or sense the way they moved around and wore clothes and occupied space. Very little contemporary poetry has this quality–this allegiance to something that exists, or existed–and to me it’s one of the most valuable functions poetry can have." –Wendy Lesser
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