Dec 29, 2015 | ISBN 9781607749387
Dec 29, 2015 | ISBN 9781607749394
The Automatic Customer
Run to the Roar
We’re Not In Kansas Anymore
Off the Record
Investment Gurus
The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit from It
Every Business Needs an Angel
Eat People
The Pill Book Guide to Medication for Your Dog and Cat
Table Of Contents
Introduction 6
Equipment 9
Super Greens 11
Tips for a Juice Detox 17
Seven-Day Green Juice
Detox Plan 18
Juices 20
Green Rocket Tonic 22
Dandelion Tonic 24
Insalata 26
Green Giant 28
Grass Energy 30
Summer Fresh 32
Green Pepper 34
Beetroot Beauty 36
Healer 38
Energizer 40
Brussels 42
Brain Juice 44
Popeye’s Juice 46
Fat Burner 48
Digestivo 50
Tomato Lover 52
Berry Infectious 54
Raspberry Mint 56
Strawberry 58
Detoxifier 60
Carrot-ene Healer 62
Cleanser 64
Fennel 66
Purple Ginger 68
Smoothies 70
Strawberry Joy 72
Smooth Spinach Berry 74
Banana Tonic 76
Tropical Cabbage 78
Coconut Kale 80
Hearty Pear 82
High on Fiber 84
Alkaliner 86
Blueberry Kale 88
Peachy 90
Avocado 92
Tomato Basil 94
Cilantro Pepper 96
Jalapeño Healer 98
Fennel Breeze 100
Morning Kickstart 102
Fruit and Fiber 104
Vanilla and Figs 106
Pineapple Twist 108
Nectarine Sour 110
King of the Fruits 112
Watermelon 114
Green Papaya 116
Super Cantaloupe 118
Blackcurrant 120
Aloe Protector 122
Goji Tangerine 124
Cinnamon-Date Digestive 126
Leek and Cucumber 128
Watercress 130
Skin Tonic 132
Blueberry Chia 134
Shots And Milks 136
Aloe 138
Green with Envy 140
Flu Kick 142
Ginger 144
Brazil Nut Milk 146
Pine Nut Milk 148
Almond Milk 150
Pumpkin Seed Milk 152
Chocolate Cashew Milk 154
Pecan Milk 156
Index 158
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