Oct 04, 2016 | ISBN 9780143109082
Buy the Paperback:
The Elephant in the Playroom
Things Are What You Make of Them
How Babies Talk
The Talk
The Modern Grandparent’s Handbook
How It Feels When a Parent Dies
How to Be You
Becoming Better Grownups
Grow the Tree You Got
“This book is helping me live my best life and Adam J. Kurtz is my fave therapist!”
–Tavi Gevinson, Editor-in-Chief, Rookie
“I am so grateful to have Pick Me Up in my life. It saves me so much money on therapy and is way more fun anyway. Stay in, order a pizza and scribble your way out of that deep dark hole.”
–Michelle Branch, musician
“Adam J. Kurtz is a magician: the alchemist of paper and pencil, rendering our inner lives visible, tactile and full of potentiality. He reminds us that creativity is the coolest of all resources–infinite, fun, free–and that we are blessed to have it.”
–Melissa Broder, author of So Sad Today
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