A Torch Kept Lit
By William F. Buckley, Jr.
Edited by James Rosen
By William F. Buckley, Jr.
Edited by James Rosen
By William F. Buckley, Jr.
Edited by James Rosen
By William F. Buckley, Jr.
Edited by James Rosen
Oct 04, 2016 | ISBN 9781101906217
Oct 04, 2016 | ISBN 9781101906224
Plain, Honest Men
If You Can Keep It
Earning the Rockies
Why Wall Street Matters
Improbable Destinies
The Terror Years
Peter the Great: His Life and World
The New Tsar
“Mr. Rosen has mined this abandoned shaft of Buckley prose, excavating glittering ore: 52 obituaries devoted to luminaries from various walks of life—politics, the military, espionage, the world of arts and letters—as well as less prominent but cherished family members and friends. To each profile Mr. Rosen appends his own nicely measured introduction… Mr. Rosen’s selections capture Buckley’s wit and combativeness, as well as his humanity.”
—The Wall Street Journal
“Rarely is a writer’s greatest book published nearly a decade after his death… Buckley’s writing was a torch that illuminated many things — a keen sense of politics, a passion for the arts, a love of friends and family, an unwavering Catholic faith. In editing this anthology, Rosen has guaranteed it will be kept lit for the next generation.”
—National Review Online
“A Torch Kept Lit chronicles the writings of conservative icon William F. Buckley. So if you’re looking for some political definition for yourself, this is the book for you.”
—Bill O’Reilly, The O’Reilly Factor
“William F. Buckley, Jr. was a master of many things. This collection of obituaries and eulogies that he wrote over the course of his extraordinary career, admirably curated and eloquently introduced by James Rosen, may well establish WFB as the modern master of this literary form. I have read every single one of my father’s 60-odd books. I do not exaggerate to propose that this may prove to be William F. Buckley’s finest book ever.”
—Christopher Buckley
“William F. Buckley was both an ideological warrior and a bon vivant with a talent for friendship. He understood that a well-lived life should be simultaneously serious and fun, and that a death calls for a summing up, both measured and elegant. This volume gathers some of Buckley’s best eulogies, deftly placed in context by James Rosen. It is a timely gift to a nation much in need of a reminder that one can be fervently engaged in public controversies without being coarse or unforgiving.”
—George F. Will
“Compiling the best eulogies written by William F. Buckley is so inspired a concept that many political writers, myself included, will kick ourselves for not having thought of it first. But the idea was James Rosen’s, and he has executed it with skill and affection—and a great reporter’s nose for the story. The result is a work of literary art.”
—Carl M. Cannon, Executive Editor, RealClearPolitics
“Acclaimed journalist, author, and Buckleyphile James Rosen has done a masterful job collecting, and contextualizing, these testaments to epic lives of the Twentieth Century by William F. Buckley, Jr. – a figure who indisputably deserves to be counted among them.”
—Jonah Goldberg, author, columnist and senior editor, National Review
“William F. Buckley’s sketches and vignettes of the prominent people of his time are absolute gems, and so are the introductions by James Rosen. A book to own, to read – and read again.”
—Brit Hume, Senior Political Analyst, Fox News Channel
“Colorful…deliciously acerbic…Buckley’s descriptions are succinct, often scathing, sometimes disarmingly tender.”
—Boston Globe
“Rosen has done a first-rate job of compiling, selecting, and editing Buckley’s recollections and tributes to the noteworthy deceased. Most impressive, however, are Rosen’s comments setting the stage for each entry. Buckley was an important mentor to young Rosen, as he had been for me a half-generation earlier. Rosen’s personal relationship with Buckley helped him to write with perspective and affection. Some quotes and anecdotes are surely transcriptions of their conversations.”
—City Journal
“The book is a great trip through the last half of the 20th century, riding first class with William Buckley.”
—The Readers Exchange
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