The Art and Making of Alien: Covenant
By Simon Ward
By Simon Ward
Category: Movies & TV | Performing Arts
May 23, 2017 | ISBN 9781785653810
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“a staggeringly beautiful coffee table book collecting some of the movie’s most eye-stimulating imagery” -
“This is a great art book that stands out from most as it has so many quotes and thoughts from the actors and art team. It has a decidedly human perspective that makes it a must read on top of a must see.” AiPt!
“Alien fans can never have too much Alien in their life, and this will be another lovely piece of the evolutionary time capsule that grows the Xenomorph and fan base until we, too, are the perfect organism.” Hey Poor Player
“leaves fans wanting more and anxiously awaiting the next film.”
“With its well-written, in-depth look at the making of the film and tons of fantastic concept design images, The Art and Making of Alien: Covenant makes for a great compendium to the film and is an easy recommend” Film Pulse
“a must own for the cult following this movie is already gathering” Joblo (Arrow in the Head)
“For anyone looking to delve even deeper into the further adventures of Michael Fassbender’s David and his encounter with the crew of the Covenant, this book is obviously for you.” IGN
“The detailed, colorful pictures, and cast/crew interviews are well worth the price” Latino Review
“Ridley Scott has an incredible team of craftsmen who work around him and this volume is proof of their indomitable skill.”
“The Art and Making of Alien: Covenant is another fine art book from Titan Books, and it will surely satisfy fans of the film, as well as the medium with its deep dives into Covenant’s production processes.” Entertainment Buddha
“still more than a handful of images in the book that are still haunting my brain.”
“I am a sucker for large coffee table books and this one will remain proudly displayed in my office. Whether or not the film itself made the grade for you, there’s no doubt this book passes with flying colors.” - Ravenous Monster
“gorgeous film stills and character concepts” - Film Stage
“Simon Ward delivered a perfect tour on what went into the making of Alien: Covenant. I, for one, found a richer experience than I had hoped for.”
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