By Robert Harris
By Robert Harris
By Robert Harris
By Robert Harris
By Robert Harris
Read by David Rintoul
By Robert Harris
Read by David Rintoul
Category: Historical Fiction | Suspense & Thriller | Military Fiction
Category: Historical Fiction | Suspense & Thriller | Military Fiction
Category: Historical Fiction | Suspense & Thriller | Military Fiction | Audiobooks
Oct 30, 2018 | ISBN 9780525436430
Jan 16, 2018 | ISBN 9780525520276
Jan 16, 2018 | ISBN 9780525589051
579 Minutes
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The League of Night and Fog
Two Novels of the Revolutionary War
The Modigliani Scandal
An Officer and a Spy
Munich (Movie Tie-in)
The Key to Rebecca
Eye of the Needle
Death Without Company
New York: The Novel
“An intelligent thriller…with exacting attention to historical detail. The novel’s power lies in the conflict between our hindsight and the characters’ all-too-believable hopes and fears.”
—The Times (UK), Best Historical Fiction of 2017
“Once again, Harris has brought history to life with exceptional skill.”
—Patrick Anderson, The Washington Post
“[Harris’s] writing remains lean and understated throughout Munich, even when the spy-craft starts. . . . The result is an entertaining mix of diplomacy and derring-do . . . history buffs should find it exhilarating.”
—Doug Childers, The Richmond-Times Dispatch
“Harris has built a career upon painstakingly researched what-if stories centered on World War II, and with Munich, he weaves fiction into the fabric of history without even the tiniest hint of a seam. This is a fine addition to a fine writer’s oeuvre.”
—Bruce Tierney, Bookpage
“Densely researched, tightly constructed and deftly written.”
—D.J. Taylor, The Wall Street Journal
“Thumbs up. Harris fashions an absorbing tale.”
—Metro (London)
“Another thrilling historical novel from Robert Harris. [He’s] on sure and familiar ground in Munich—he quickly settles into the mid-20th century setting that made Fatherland and Enigma so compelling, and the claustrophobic feel of the conference carriers on from last year’s exploration of Vatican politics, Conclave. . . Against the intriguing backdrop of political machinations and brinkmanship is a thriller plot bursting to get out.”
—The Guardian
“[A] master storyteller . . . Harris is an undoubted wordsmith.”
—Express (London)
“Gripping . . . Harris is a marvelously compelling storyteller. . . . A historical novel, a novel of ideas, and a gripping thriller. . . . Harris writes with complete and compelling authority.”
—The Scotsman
“Thriller-meister Robert Harris won’t need this recommendation to top the bestseller charts, but he’s getting it anyway. . . . Perfect prose . . . the menacing air of jackbroot brutality lurking between the lines. . . . It’s hard to imagine how history could be told better.”
—Sport Sunday (London)
“In Fatherland, Robert Harris’s debut thriller, an aged, ailing Hitler is kept firmly off the page. In Munich, he walks, he talks, he rants. . . . A vivid recreation . . . Harris brings the history alive. He cleverly inserts arresting facts and detail into his narrative.”
—The Times (London)
“A tense and subtle narrative of the 1938 deal that sold out the Czechs.”
—Financial Times
“Engaging, informative, and quietly suspenseful.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“Another surefire best-seller. A tautly constructed, compellingly written story.”
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