Sonnet's Shakespeare
By Sonnet L’Abbe
By Sonnet L’Abbe
By Sonnet L’Abbe
By Sonnet L’Abbe
Category: Poetry | Literary Criticism
Category: Poetry | Literary Criticism
Aug 20, 2019 | ISBN 9780771073090
Aug 20, 2019 | ISBN 9780771073106
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“To embody an experience, to retell histories, to open doors and windows—Sonnet L’Abbé’s Sonnet’s Shakespeare is the key. Whether you are versed in Shakespeare or not, you will be mesmerized by L’Abbé’s beautifully choreographed dance through a city’s secrets. She offers movements we’ve not seen before. I want to thank L’Abbé for allowing readers to reside in the space where erasure meets found poem. L’Abbé is a form-bending master.” —Chelene Knight, author of Dear Current Occupant
“Sonnet L’Abbé’s writing in Sonnet’s Shakespeare is simply stunning. L’Abbé’s conceptual engagement with colonial history urges us to consider how deeply internalized and invisible colonial structures can be while also being both an incredibly funny and dazzlingly inventive book. This is brilliant work!” —Jordan Abel, author of Injun
“Sonnet homers Shakespeare! Dense-lush-arcane-jubilant in their brute-belle word swagger, these prose poems take up Shakespeare’s wit-layered language and expand its cardiac capacity. The result is a personal poetix odyssey that confronts and condenses our aching moment in Canadian consumer colonial time. Mouthing Will’s sweet words and tough-smart longings, gunning his impolitic politics and trafficking new gender sweat and sway, loving friends and calling out the frenemies, this fearless brown-girl sonnetteer straps on and refashions poetic speech. Hers is a tale that tells off idiots, signifies everything, and is rooted—as are Shakespeare’s sonnets—in the power of wordly love.” —Erín Moure, author of The Elements
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