Learning from Leonardo
By Fritjof Capra
By Fritjof Capra
Category: Science & Technology | World History
Nov 19, 2013 | ISBN 9781609949891
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“This remarkable exposition of Leonardo’s work provides in analysis and illustration not only the nature of genius but the intellectual epic that can unfold whenever the human mind is set free.”
—Edward o. Wilson, University Research Professor Emeritus, Harvard University, and author of the best-selling The Social Conquest of Earth and Letters to a Young Scientist
“ In this meticulously crafted work, Capra leads us into the mind and heart of Leonardo so that we experience firsthand his relentless curiosity, his desire to understand the living world on its own terms, his willingness to let go of treasured ideas and concepts in exchange for new ones. Journeying so intimately with Leonardo has given me a rich appreciation for the qualities of a Renaissance person, and what shines through above all is Leonardo’s never-faltering love for that which he was observing: this beautiful, interwoven, life-sustaining planet.”
—Margaret Wheatley, author of So Far from Home and Leadership and the New Science
Table Of Contents
Timeline of Scientific Discoveries
Prologue: Leonardo's Genius
I. Form and Transformation in the Macrocosm
1. The Movements of Water
2. The Living Earth
3. The Growth of Plants
II. Form and Transformation in the Human Body
4. The Human Figure
5. The Elements of Mechanics
6. The Body in Motion
7. The Science of Flight
8. The Mystery of Life
Coda: Leonardo's Legacy
Chronology of Leonardo's Life and Work
Color plates
Leonardo's Notebooks: Facsimiles and Transcriptions
Resources for Leonardo Scholarship
Photographic Credits
About the Author
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